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Public Records has him listed as a veteran of the Biafran War. He is Governor Hiram Duke's 'Old Man Moses,' in every political speech given, mentioned in honour, "My father had a friend, old man Moses, we called him; during the Biafran war, he escaped to Benin City on foot...!"

Dr Jay first heard about him from Agent Green, a tenant at Diamond Apartments who describes him, as one tough cookie, ready to wallop any renter's rude behind. Ette Moses didn't let them forget to mow the lawn or trim the shrubbery. He sat shaded beneath a palm tree sipping fresh coconut milk straight from a halved shell, while they all hastened to do his bidding; keeping the property spic and span for his madam.

The tenants invented ways to do the gardening, care taking and security work, for him, under his supervision. All the men carried out periodic repairs as at when due; the women kept the paint fresh, the flowers blooming, and the lawn mowed evenly. Blue got German Labradors that roamed the premises freely at night, secretly installing hi tech surveillance cameras at different angles connecting the feed to their office.

Agent Blue caught sight of him strolling through their office once and asked, "Uhh, Boss?" her hands in her pockets, her brows raised, "Who the Trump brought The Papa in here?"

The old man usually shuffled into their office like a VIP, his frail shoulders lifted, head high, shiny shoes tapping the marble floors in light but excited foot falls, supplying sharp photos to the Boss. Field Agents humoured his presence, too busy going in and out to assume he was anything other than some sort of charity case.

It started as a joke, when Agents Red and Blue would play back tapes of the night watch to listen to The Papa's trumpet snores. Eventually, they forgot to watch, except for Dr. Jay. He was always awake, always alert, always watching. While viewing the security feeds of the city on his screen locator station; listening to the trumpet snores of Ette Moses, he'd sometimes see Edima McFoy, the tenant in room one, feed the old man, cloth him, pay his salary and even collect the tenants rent monies from him. Green's theory about her being the real owner of Diamond Apartments proved correct. Dr. Jay then decided to step into the script.

One bright sunny day, when nobody was on the premises, he walked up to The Papa's bamboo throne under the palm tree, and very politely introduced himself, as 'Boss Number Two.' That's how he met the old man...how they became good friends.

On re-entering the bar, he spotted the veteran easily because of his raised glass mug, a mocking toast to which he drank the moment their eyes connected. Dr. Jay realized Ette Moses had seen it all, his arrival, his meeting and chatting with Aydee, the dramatic exit, everything.

He was half hidden at a red light corner, with other war veterans all drinking native palm wine and, frowning at the music. No doubt they would have been better off with the peaceful melodious local tunes of traditional high-life, instead of getting tone deaf from very vulgar propositions of immoral, ill bred, young boys, singing through the loud speakers about women's fat behinds.

Jay avoided the sweaty half clad bodies of not so subtle women, as his tall frame walked between them, not sparing them a glance. The five Veterans accepted his salutation and easily made room for him at their table. When the waitress showed up, he ordered for exactly what they were having, and another round of drinks for all of them,

"Do you want some meats to go with that, Pops?"

"I would have loved to, Boss, same as my comrades here, but ehh..."

"We're getting ancient, Oga White! One foot in the grave already."

"Speak for yourselves, soldiers! Ohh, but, I've hardly any teeth left to chew, so--"

SOLOMON'S BRIDGE {Part II/WORK IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now