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The little orphan girls are four...
Idara visits for one month because Sister Uduak lies to her mother that she can still get a man and only needs space, she sets her up with an agent of darkness, while she bundles Idara to the orphanage, but Sister Magdalena, the Mother Superior, unexpectedly greets their arrival, and insists on the rules and regulations of the orphanage, which is, that all little children must sleep together in their own bunk beds in the common hall. Sister Uduak must comply, she has a reputation of being most pious, this is her hindrance in activating the codex within the child, Idara, as shown in her midnight rituals in her room as she turns full witch and summons the general of the atlantic to give update
Jessica and Edima
Jessica is older, at 8, and Edima, at 5. The scene begins with them running from a shadow of mist terrorizing them in the orphanage. It is midnight. Their plan was to break into Sister Uduaks office and eat their fill of Swiss chocolates sent to the orphan girls by the Red Cross but syphoned by the wicked nun. They stumble upon a secret meeting between entities in her office that give them chase. They run for their sorry lives and stumble upon an underground chamber that holds little girls who disappeared over the years, inside glassy crypts full of amniotic liquid substances that seem to be transforming their bodies, the most recent disappearance being their friend, Senoh, to their absolute shock. They try to open the glass crypt to free Senoh. Just as the glass breaks and the chemical foul smelling fluid gushes out, the entities appear, chasing them out again. They run and hide inside the Mother Superior's office, under the table, quietly, where, to their second shock, they meet little Idara, also under the table, also hiding from Sister Uduak, her mouth FULL of stolen chocolate!
Senoh escapes the orphanage that night but she is forever changed, the biggest secret in Canaan City, the future leader of the Blue stripe faction of the Nsidung, while Fanny was her second in command, while Byron leads the red stripes

They run as fast as their little feet can carry them. Saint Peters orphanage is a very large mansion with many halls and the dark night is quite scary, with shadows bouncing off the walls of corridors... strange sounds coming from even darker corners full of watchful, life size statues; gargoyles, ugly horned devils, angels and cherubims and Seraphims. Nine year old Jessica hates those statues because they look so real.

Front door keys
Thrill scene
Nuns fight
Scared witness
Haunted halls
St. Peters Orphanage
Sister Nkoyo
Action first then,
Edima is narrator

"One for Hogan," you drop a measured sip of the spirits on the marble floor, "-two for Schizo," you drop two sips, "-and three, for Legion!" The bartender, Essenewo, never gets tired of watching you do it. Sometimes, you wonder why he never asks you about it. He's got a new customer. Quickly, you finish the creed, "-till the year 2001; and the appointed season." Eagerly, you throw your head back as you drain the glass, your eyes squinting at the burning hot sensation snaking down your lungs. Ahhhh! The dregs left in the glass, you tip unto your crown before slamming it back on the glossy counter. Another.

Uduak teaches her this. Starts her on addiction.

Magdalena tell them the truth! Tell them who they are! There are far too many dark secrets in this city!

You would like that, wouldn't you, Nkoyo? You are nothing but a brandy guzzling, chain smoking, indisciplined oaf! I rue the day you joined this convent!

SOLOMON'S BRIDGE {Part II/WORK IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now