Chapter 13: Poisonous Sorrow

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"Okay Nishikawa-san, close your eyes," Shinobu said. I nodded, and Sanemi rolled his eyes, his arms crossed, leaning against a pillar a couple of metres away.

"Why does she even need to-"

" 'Nemi, shush," I quipped, to the relief of an annoyed Shinobu. "Kocho knows what she's doing. So does Himejima."

Sanemi mumbled a couple of curses but said nothing. Gyomei sat there, head turned in my direction. I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I heard Gyomei cough, and then a thud. My eyes flew open, and I noticed Gyomei lying on the ground, holding his head. My eyes widened, my heart pounding.

What did I do?

"Himejima!" Shinobu shouted, putting a hand to his head. I just sat there, frozen. Sanemi ran over and sat beside me, pulling me into his arms. I could hear blood pounding in my head, drowning out the words Sanemi was saying to me. I couldn't feel anything, my vision blurred.

"Ah, thank goodness you're okay, Himejima-san!" Shinobu exhaled. I saw a silhouette of what seemed like Gyomei, sitting back up.

"Kocho-" Gyomei wheezed. "I need to speak to you in private."

"Dumbass!" Sanemi retorted. "We're part of this too! Don't disregard us!"

"Shinazugawa," Shinobu responded, her face darkening. "Stay out of this."

Sanemi shut up instantly, and we watched silently as they left the room.

"Bastards," he seethed, but looked at me. "It wasn't your fault. I bet it was some trick he pulled to test your emotions. To see your reactions."

To see.

I staggered to my feet, slipping out of Sanemi's arms.

"Precision Breathing: Visual."

Glowing lights swirled, creating a projection. I saw Shinobu pacing back and forth.

I could feel Sanemi's eyes on the projection too.

"Ara, Himejima, I refuse to believe what you're saying-" Shinobu started.

"But it's true, Kocho-san!" Gyomei said, whirling around. "She could kill us all."

Shinobu glared at him. "You are not going to label an innocent girl as a monster without proof!"

Gyomei paused for a second. He looked unsure.

"In...the Transparent World, I could not see any of her organs. The area where her heart should be, was glowing purple, the shape of a fire. When I looked closer, the glow suddenly flushed into my mind, making my head swirl, the pain pulsating in my brain."

Shinobu fell quiet.

"Is that the reason I get an odd vibe from her?"

My blood ran cold.

"The first time I met her, she had the aura of a demon. Thinking back, more powerful than Muzan's." Suddenly, Shinobu looked shocked, and whipped towards Gyomei. "Don't tell me..."

I heard shifting behind me, and Sanemi had one hand curled around mine. I felt him flinch at how cold it was, but then he grasped on tighter.

"She's not," Gyomei said slowly. "But I don't think she's any ordinary human."

"YOU BASTARDS!" Sanemi shouted at the projection. "SHE'S AS ORDINARY AS YOU!"

I tugged on Sanemi's wrist, and he stopped, trying to calm his temper.

"Ah, if we need a way to check..." Shinobu suggested cautiously. "We could try mixing wisteria poison in her food."

Sanemi gaped dumbly. "They do know that you can ingest wisteria poison with no problem, right?"

"I don't think that'll work, Kocho. I smelled wisteria cookies and tea when she was with Shinazugawa once."


"Brew an extremely potent potion that could kill humans," Gyomei said darkly. "If she lives, we execute her."

Shinobu was facing away, but nodded regardless.

The projection wavered, and disappeared.

I instantly fell backwards, Sanemi catching me.


"If they want to poison me," I whispered lifelessly, my voice cracking. "I won't fall for it easily."
I felt tears burn at the back of my eyes. I trusted them.

For a while, I sat on the floor in silence, weeping in Sanemi's arms. He comforted me for a while, resting his hand on my head.

Just when I thought it was all over, it suddenly started again.

After some time, I fell asleep.

- - -

"Oi. Akina. Wake up," a soft voice said. I strained my eyes open to Sanemi watching me. I sat up against his chest, and we stayed there in silence, dread filling our senses.

"It's almost time for lunch," I said darkly, saying what we were both thinking.

Sanemi squeezed my arm. "Don't drink anything during that time, dumbass."

I laced my fingers around his. "But if I don't, they're going to think I'm a monster."

I felt tears trickle down my neck. Tears that weren't mine.

"Fuck! There really is no safe outcome, is there?" Sanemi yelled, his voice cracking. "I-"

His voice broke and he held me tighter.

I'd die either way.

"Trust me 'Nemi," I said, my face softening. "I'm so sorry."

- - -


Although it took a lot of convincing, with a heavy heart, Sanemi had agreed to the plan.

I'd drink the poison.

Based on the description, there was only one type of poison toxic enough to kill a human being with just one drop. A poison that has caused agonizing pain to the point of insanity.

Poison from the scarlet wisteria, mixed with an unknown ingredient that could kill. It was named Seriatara.

We concluded that my immunity to wisteria may help me survive, but we were unsure about the rest.

As I entered the room, the first thing I noticed was Sanemi staring at his empty plate, holding back an outburst. His fist was clenched so tight that his knuckles were white.

"Nishikawa-san!" Shinobu smiled, but I saw right through it. "Try this! It's newly brewed tea, and it pairs well with the bread!"

I feigned a smile. "Sure."

In the corner of my eye, I saw that Sanemi had become very still. I felt my heart crumble. I'm sorry.

"Tokito-san! Would you mind dropping some sugar into the tea?"

Huh. So she's dragging Muichiro in to potentially make him a suspect.

"Sure," Muichiro said. He grabbed a sugar cube and dropped it into my cup, the edges clinking with the china. I noticed a herb in there as well. My eyebrows rose slightly.

Muichiro eyed me for a brief second, but then turned away.

Was he helping me?

Before Shinobu could notice the leaf, I drank all of it in one sip.

Shinobu's eyes widened, but she masked that with a grin. "Ara ara, Nishikawa-san, how is it?"

Where are the effects?


Suddenly, I started coughing blood, and my vision turned spotty. Through my blurred vision, I noticed the pool of red blood staining the carpet.

There they are.

I buckled back, and my muscles started twisting, my throat contracting, my body convulsing.

Through my ringing ears, I could hear commotion. I didn't feel any pain, however. My body had already turned numb.

Thanks Muichiro.

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