chapter 16

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My father took over the pack meeting telling them about my sister being killed, how we need to band together with the other packs and take down the king and queen, Saving the princess my mate.

I wonder what she would want me to do. Would she want me to do save her. What the hell am I thinking of course she wants me to save her I'm her mate after all. Yet she doesn't want to bring war to my pack, but the pack can't live with out its Luna.

I hear my office door creak open only I don't bother looking up too see who it is. All I want to do is find Kathleen and some where in these papers I know I will find away to get her back.

"Matt." Nancy wispers, I know she is frigthen from me she has no reason to be I would never hurt her.

"Yes Nancy what is it?" She moves herself to my side and kneels on to the floor like she did when I was a child.

"You are much strong than this my boy." Placing a hand on my cheek she turns my face towards her. Her teary eyes that hold such wisdom and pain stair at me with such hurt. "You are the son I always wanted and I did something you are going to hate me for." I take her cold hand into mine knowing it will make her feel more safe with telling me. I know no matter what she did I can not get angry at her, she's my second mother and she saved me more times than I will admit. "I knew that Kathleen was the princess."

"That doesn't surprise me Nancy you know everything to know about everyone." A sigh excapes her lips, she much have been terrifed over tell me that she hid something about my mate from me. "How did you know?"

"She had the tattoos of the royal line on her, the one meaning she is the only person who can carry the next child of the royals."

"You said tattoos as in more than the one?" nooding she continues

"The other was strange it was on her wrist, I did not know the meaning at the time but I went to look throw our books and what I found out is not good Matt. The things that they did to her is beyond what any wolf deserves I wouldn't wish it upon anyone." My grip on my hand much have titen to cause Nancy to yelp in pain.

"What did they do to her? what did they do to my mate?" I looks could kill a man they would be dead from the glare Nancy was giving me. The anger in her eyes only told me that it is beyond horrible.

"They took away her wolf."


Sorry this update is so short I have writers block and I am glad I got this much written. I hope this is okay till I get the ball rolling again.

Thanks for reading and I hope you read my other books.

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