Chapter 19

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I am so sorry for the wait on this chapter. It has been so hard to work on this book and I know it has been over a year since I updated it but I have been working on it this past year. For some reason this chapter has been really hard to write. I am hope to get more done and ready to publish soon. I have already started on the next chapter and I am also working on my other books as well. Lets hope I don't get horrible witters block again and I can finish this book and get started on the next.

I am no sure if I should finish this book with the end of the battle and start a second one or just keep going with this one book and make a second on later. Please tell me what you all think I should do in the comments.

happy reading.



For all the Alpha's that we had on our side you think we would be more organized than we are right now. As of now many of our fighters are going to attack the north to bring as much of the royal packs fighters to them as possible. We know that they aren't stupid enough to believe that it is our only plan of attack, we have set up another group to attack the south end as well as the east and west sides. 

To the humans the King and Queen are just extremely wealthy people that own much of the land,  and a kingdom, they have no idea of what they really are. Which is a great thing considering how humans would take them having as much control as they possess.

Myself, along with a small group of the top 5 fighters from every pack, are going to head throw the underground tunnels that the servants use. My mother made as a map for I refused to allow either one of them to come with us. They were just granted their freedom the last thing I want from them is to go back to this place of hell.

As the mid day heat starts to melt much of the sown that left a pure white blanket covering the grounds. The first group Alpha looks over at me awaiting my single. As the sun reaches just over head I wave my hand giving them the go ahead. My team of the best fighters watch as their pack, along with everyone else's, attack the grounds of the kingdom.

Screams from the women yelling at their children to hid. Everyone was ordered not to harm the civilian, a few members of each group are to help escort them out of the war zone.

As they attacked the palace and circled the entire grounds trapping anyone inside. With the two groups I had one team set just for escorting the women and children out of the only entrance and exit that we had set up. I could already see them leading them out.

"When ever you are ready." I look towards Josh as he holds up the map that my mother made.

"Lead the way." My small but strong group traveled throw the thick part of the woods using it as cover from the king and queens men. I know that a discretion is what is always used in this type of thing but we have the advantage, not only do we have William but the map, they'll never see us coming.

"The entrance is right up here." I hear josh call as he stood in front of a large bolder. "It says here that the entrance is under the ground." He walks over to a smaller rock turning it to the right. A loud grumble noise erupted as the large bolder began to move. "Here we go." Josh makes his way down the long dark whole with an old metal latter as we all follow after him. The entire cave was in complete darkness and as my mother said they halls were incredibly tight.

"Okay it says that we need to proceed down straight were there will be a T crossing and we are to take the right." The six of us slowly work our way down, using flashlights to light up the carved out halls.

"Don't you think that there would be people guarding the servant halls, and what about the servants themselves, don't they live down here." Dan, one of my best trackers, asked.

"Well no to the people guarding but yes to the servants, and they all hate the king and queen just as much as we do." William answers. "I came down here many times with Anna, granted I always got lost and she had to come and find me." He speaks. The look on his face tells me that they were happy memories but painful to think about.

"The crossing is coming up." As Josh spoke I could smell another wolf, they smelt of a rouge and human in an odd mix.

"Do you all smell that?" I ask I see everyone nod there heads. We all stand at the ready as we approach the crossing. My flashlight lands on a man as he walks down the hall in front of us.

"Who the hell are you?" He ask, Dan stood ready for my word to attack only there was something off about this man. He's not wearing a palace guard uniform nor carrying any weapons. He dressed in a dark suite using his phone as a flashlight.

"I could ask you the same thing." I step in front of Josh who before now was in front.

"I'm waiting to meet my mother. I didn't know that anyone else knew about these tunnels other than servants." He shines is light over us. "Nor a small group of people who clearly don't serve here. Are you all part of that mess up in the court field?" He asked.

"Maybe, what does it matter."

"Well I was just going to meet her in our usual spot but than this mess started and I have to track down here in my new suit. So you can say that I am a little mad. Now are you going to tell me who you are or not?"

"I'm Matt." I don't know why but I feel like I can trust this complete stranger and I never feel that way about anyone. He reminds me a little of Kathleen. "I am trying to save my mate."

"Is she a servant?"

"No, the queen Lucy's daughter." He looks at me in complete shock.

"My mother isn't the queen, nor does she have a daughter, just me." Wait what? "My name is Allen, my mother is Lucy. She told me that she was the queen before her husband got a new wife."

"Well she lied to you, she is still the queen and she does have a daughter, her name is Kathleen and she is my mate."

"I have a sister." He looks down at his phone as it goes off. "My mother knows that I am here, she's told me to meet her in the servant's kitchen."

"Look we are not here to kill your mother, I would love to after all she has done to my family but right now I just want my mate back."

"So all the things that I heard about the queen, it's been my mother this entire time." I only nod my head. "What is she doing to my sister?"

"She wanted her to kill me so she could married another wolf, giving the kingdom even more power."

"She would never do that, not after what happened to my father." He glances down at his phone in complete and utter shock.

"What happened to your father, the kings not your father?" He shakes his head

"No my father is the man that I am named after, he's in a medical induced coma with the help of a witch. My grandmother forced my mother to kill him or she would kill his family. She loves my father and never wanted any of this. But my mother said that grandmother isn't the best of people, even though I have never meet her."

"Wait you are telling me that the queen's mate is still alive?" He nods his head.

"I am an intern at the local human hospital and have been taking care of him since I could walk. My mother didn't want anyone to know about me so she left me with some of my fathers friends were I was raised with humans." Allan answer.

"Alpha we are running out of time," Dan interrupts "I just got word that the guards are falling back into the castle , we are losing our advantage."

"We need to get to Kathleen's room, that's where my mother and father say she is. I'm sorry but I need to save my mate." I tell him making my way down the right hall.

"Wait, I am coming with you." He moves to stand at my side. "I am helping you save my sister, I'm not letting my mother become my grandmother."

"I am not going to stop you, but if you get in my way I won't heisted to end you."  He nods his head at me. I can't image how it must feel to be this guy right now. The people in this team must think I am crazing for just believing this guy with out any proof. Yet as I said before, he reminds me of my mate.

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