chapter 22

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My eyes close on there own, I try to reach my wolf but its is as if he is gone just like Kathleen's. I wait for the impact of the blade for it it saves Kathleen's life than I will gladly die for her. Only it never comes, calmly I open my eyes in utter disbelieve at what I come face to face with. Nancy stands in front of me the sliver sward piercing her chest as she holds onto the book we were reading before I left.

"Nancy what.. what are you..." She falls into my arms as I reach behind her pulling the blade out of her. I place her on my knee as I try my best to apply presser to her wound. wolfs heal fast but not from a sliver wound. "How did you get in here?"

"I told you I will follow you anywhere, you really think you would come her with out me?" She coughs up blood as she takes a deep breath. "You have to take this, you needed to read it." The books sits beside her on the marble floor. "I know how to save Kathleen's wolf. You have to." her breath becomes harsh as it becomes harder for her to speak.

"You have to kill the witch, it is the only way to revers what has been done to Kathleen, it will bring her wolf back. Since we do not control her killing her is the only way" she mind links me

"Why didn't you just tell me this though the mind link to begin with, you would have never had to come here?"

"Well than how else was I suppose to save your life? And besides the places has spells that prevent outside packs from mind-linking one another. There is one last thing I have to tell you its about your eyes."

"They turn red... because... your eyes..." Nancy's body goes limp in my arms her eyes glaze over as they gaze towards the ceiling. My body begins to shake as I feel my wolf coming back to me, my anger rolling off of me in waves as I feel as if I am on fire. Taking off towards Randall I shift into my wolf.

"That's not possible, no one can shift inside the place. Not even the king can do that?" Randall's voice shakes as he stairs at me in disbelieve.

"Not only have to killed my sister Anna, but the women who raised me and you think you can take my mate away from me!" Some how Randall is able to hear me although I am in my wolf form. He swings around racing towards Kathleen he takes her knife up of the ground as he holds it to her throat.

"I'll do it, I don't give a damn about this marriage any more F*** being king I am not dying because of this B****" the blade presses into the sink on her neck leaving a thin trail of blood. Suddenly  the knife flies from his hand as he is pushed to the ground, the witch moving him from Kathleen and helping me. "What.. What are you doing witch? why are you helping him?"

"Because if you die we can just take your land it is the last that the kingdom does not posses, I can't having you killing royal blood. Madam won't be pleased that her granddaughter didn't marry you but she would be enraged if she were dead. Besides," The witch's gazes falls on to me "you are in the presents of what is called a true Alpha. My magic has no effect on him."

Although I am to confused by the witches words I use this to my advantage as I lunge at Randall. Jumping on top of him before biting down on his neck ripping his head from his body. As his body hits the ground I throw his head towards the king .

"I didn't think a true Alpha was even real."I turn my attention to the witch who has taken so much from my mate. "I have been alive for over five thousands years and not once did a true Alpha arise."

"It's not possible-"

"Yet the proof is standing right in front of you your Majesty and you of all people should know what that means." She moves towards the queen, "Your mother is not going to be happy about this." she states before she disappears. 

Allen makes his way over to Kathleen, he lifts her into his arms and makes his way over towards me. She was completely limp in his arms, her eyes open but unresponsive.

"What's wrong with her?" I know Allen didn't expect the first time meeting his little sister to be like this.

"She is in a coma like state. Some of the liquid from syringe must have entered her blood stream though the cut on her neck." I have never seen the queen act like this before. It's as if she is a completely different person when Allen is around. I get the feeling she is her true self when she is with him.

I shift back, Allen throwing me an extra pair of shorts we have brought with us.

"How do we wake her up?" I ask the queen since she is the one behind the blade in the first place.

"The only way she will wake is the witch is under my control." She answers. "It was designed for my mate so he would wake when it was safe for us to be together again. My mother doesn't have many years left in her which is why I gave it to Kathleen to use on you, the two of you would have only been apart for a few years."

I wanted to scream at the queen but when I think about it in comparison her and her mate a few years is nothing. I cant imagine what she has gone through alone all these years.

"Why didnt you tell me mom?" Allen holds tightly on to Kathleen. "Shes my sister how could you hide this from me?"

"That's what I would like to know." I had actually forgotten all about the king as he arose from his throne. "All this time your mate and his child have been alive. I am surprised you were able to hide them from me." He addresses the queen with such disgust, his actions somewhat surprising.

"It was quite easy since all you care about is yourself." The queen state, starting down the king. "You are nothing but a coward who hides behind a crown." Seeing the Queen I have spent my entire life hating addressing the king in such a manner leaves me lost for words. 

Hello, not sure if anyone even reads this anymore but I saw i had this part of a chapter written and thought why not. I hope to edit this book as well as my others and start updating again but can't make any promises. I hope for who ever does read this work that this short update is alright. I know it's not worth the wait but hope it was something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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