Chapter One

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"Mother… please" I sobbed, my knees hitting the floor of the manor. It hurt, it felt as though I was being ripped apart from the inside.
         "Crucio" Mother yelled, sending an intense arch of red light towards me, hitting me in the chest. I screamed in agony, feeling as though my chest were being ripped apart. "We need to make you strong" Mother hissed, pressing her face close to mine, her eyes were wide and crazy. "We can't have you being a blood traitor, you're the heir" She cackled.
          "Mother… please" I screamed, writhing on the floor from the effects of the spell. I tasted blood in my mouth, my blood. The blood Mother held so near and dear to her heart.
           "Crucio" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. She grabbed my chin in her hands, forcing me to look into her eyes. Tears blurred my vision as I looked at her half-crazed eyes. "You sound like your pathetic cousin, draco maybe I'll pay him a visit" She said, grinning as she noticed my horified reaction.
          "Please… No… not Draco" I cried, trying to stand up, my legs useless. I wiped my mouth with my hand, looking at the blood splattered around me. Hands seized my shoulders from behind, I jumped, thinking it was Mother again. The hands belonged to Narcissa. Her brown eyes filled with worry, she pulled me into a hug.
           "Draco! Shes coming for Draco" I sobbed. "I can't stop her" My head was pressed to Narcissa's chest, sobbing.
            "Wake up Darling" Narcissa whispered into my hair.

             I sat up straight in my bed, gasping and covered in sweat. Narcissa was kneeling at my bedside, her eyes closed in concentration, she was whispering something. "I need you to breathe Enya"
             "Where are we?" I whispered, looking around the tent. I saw Draco sleeping on a cot like mine, Draco was okay.
             "The Quidditch world cup, your mother will never hurt you nor Draco while I'm alive" Narcissa says, looking into my eyes and putting out her hand. "Do you remember the plan?"
             "Yes." I nodded, disoriented. I looked around, pulling my robe on and grabbing my wand. Narcissa pulled me in for another hug and kissed my forehead.
             "Watch after Draco will you?" Narcissa said. As much as she loved me, Draco would always be her number one priority.
             "Yes, I always do" I said, looking past her, touching my collarbone where Mother hit me with the cruciatus curse in my dream. My hand tightened around my wand.

              We ran. "Draco keep up" I said, running and dodging trees, trying to outrun the death eaters, they were everywhere. I lean on a tree, the rough bark scratching my hands and my hair.
               I jumped as I heard someone coming. I grabbed my wand "lumos" I whispered. It was Harry Potter, his Weasley and I assume Granger.
              "Who are you?" Weasley yelled, putting up his wand, pointing it at me. I raise my eyebrows and look between all three of them, Harry. His hair was black and messy, his eyes bright green.
               "That's not important" I said hurriedly, looking between Granger and Potter. "You." I said, pointing at Granger. "You're the muggleborn"
               She narrowed her eyes, I could tell she was looking me over, seeing if I was a threat. "Yes, I suppose I am, why does that matter?" She says, distrustfully.
               "They're hunting muggleborns" I said, remembering what I heard Lucious and some other man say.
                "What did you call me?" Granger said, confused.
                 "A muggleborn…? That's what you are isn't it?" I said, narrowing my eyes in confusion.
                 "Well yes… nevermind" Granger said, shaking her head. I stuck my hand out to Harry. He shook it.
                  "I'm Harry Potter" He said nervously, looking around the darkness.
                  "I know" I smirked, turning around and vanishing into the darkness to find Draco and get back home.

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