Chapter 8

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Harry's hands were warm, like unreasonably warm. We walked into the tent together, he was gripping my hand like a bloody vice, with his warm, sweaty hands. God, I wanted to gag.

Harry's POV
Enya's hands were cold, like unreasonably cold. We walked into the tent together, her hand gripping mine loosely, with her cold, calloused hands. 

Enya's POV
"Well, now we're all here — time to fill you in!" Bagman said brightly. "While the audience assembles, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag" He held a bag made of purple silk. "From which you will select a model of the thing you're about to face! There are different varieties you see! And I have to tell you something else too . . .ah, yes . . . your task is to collect the golden egg"
I looked down at the bag, what type of creature would this bag behold? I felt like I could be sick if I kept trying to piece together parts of the puzzle I haven't found yet. All of the uniforms were the same besides the colors. Mine was black with 'MALFOY' sprawled across my back. The gloves they gave us were lightweight, very flammable feeling. The pants were tightish, they were a thicker material, perhaps cotton? And the top was made from the same thing the gloves were. My hair was braided into multiple intricate braids, almost forming a crown on my head.
I rolled my wand in between my fingers, trying to soothe the very apparent anxiety.
"Ladies first" Bagman said, he opened the velvet bag and held it towards Fluer. She put a shaking hand inside and pulled out a very small model of . . . a dragon? A Welsh Green if we wanted to be technical. The dragon had a number two around its neck, this must be deciding the order we will face them in.
Bagman strode towards me, offering the bag to me. My hands would not shake I thought as I placed my hand in the bag, and pulled out a small model of a dragon blacker than the darkest midnight.
"European Darktongue" I said, I thought those were extinct? She was beautiful. She had the number 5 on her neck.
After me, Viktor pulled out a Scarlet Chinese Fireball, Cedric pulled out the Swedish Short-Snout and Harry got the Hungarian Horntail.
"Well there you are!" said Bagman. "You have each pulled out the dragon you will face, and the numbers around the dragon's necks will show in which order you will face them."

I took Cedric's place, pacing around the tent, not paying attention to anything whatsoever. I had to think, what could I do? This was a dragon, and I wouldn't want to hurt her, if the European Darktongue truly does still exist then they're very, very endangered. I couldn't possibly hurt her and possibly end the species by damaging her ability to reproduce.
"And that magnificent performance by Potter, And out comes Malfoy!"
I felt myself release all remaining air in my lungs. Now I have to breathe back in, because if I don't I might die of asphyxiation instead of dragon fire.
I walked out into the gate or the entrance and fought the urge to turn around and run. The enclosure was a big area filled with rocks. The Darktongue was crouching right in front of me, thrashing her tail, her huge wings half-furled and flexing her claws. Her eyes were a deep purple and her scales were black.
My breath caught in my throat and I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do. She stood, almost taking up the entire enclosure, she opened her mouth and let out a steady stream of fire. Right in my face.
I expected death as the deep violet flames washed over me, it just tickled.
"Nyke daor aōha qrinuntys!" I shouted as I held my hand up (Translation: I am not your enemy) She stopped. I stepped closer. My heart rate began to accelerate as I stepped closer and closer to this creature who could kill me in seconds.
Her purple pupils widened as she stepped closer to me. I kept my hand out straight in front of me. My breath caught as she pressed her nostril to my hand, her scales were rough against the palm of my hand. Her nose was huge compared to my hand.
I ran my hand across her face and down her shoulder, taking in her sheer size. "Ao sagon gevie" I said quietly. (Translation: You're so beautiful)
I pressed my hands to the place where the bone of her wing connected to her shoulder and the sheer muscle was astonishing, I could feel it ripple with each twitch of her head. I pushed myself up and settled behind her wings but before her spikes began.
My breathing wavered as I realized what I'd just done. I'm on a dragon. "Sōvegon essovious" I whispered. (translation: Fly Essovious)
She roared, and ripped her legs snapping the chains as easy as breaking bones. The entire crowd gasped and she opened her wings. They were huge, I held onto horns in the middle of her shoulder, right above where her wings start. I felt her muscles contract as she took off into the air.
Never had I ever felt more free than when I was soaring on a dragons back to god knows where, I never felt danger, it was exhilarating.

"A dragon is not a slave" I shouted, Bagman and Crouch glared at me, they were angry I had set her free. I had gotten my egg, I completed the task but I let her go. "She is meant to be free"
"She's dangerous," Bagman.
"So is she" Crouch said quietly, looking up under his eyebrows at me. "Leave us"

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