Chapter 7!

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I stood, my long black robes billowing around my boots. I swallowed hard, feeling a knot of anxiety slowly begin to expand in my stomach. Who put my name in the goblet? I turned, looking around the great hall, feeling the room begin to shrink around me, suffocating me. I looked at Dumbledore, a twinkle in his eye. He must've known. The goblet in my hand fell to the ground, spilling grape juice everywhere, shattering glass.
"Severus, would you escort Miss Malfoy to the others, I'll handle Harry."  Dumbledore said, taking a drink from his goblet. Severus stood from the table and walked down to me. He placed his hand on my shoulders and ushered me to the chamber Dumbledore had previously spoken about.
"Did you put your name in the goblet?" Severus whispered.
"No, I did as Father asked, I followed the instructions as closely as possible" I stared down at the fire Viktor, Cedric and Fluer were huddled around. The fire began to grow blue as I looked down at it. Flicking at my fingertips, it's warm growing warmer each moment. The blue flames twirled around my hand through and between my fingers. It didn't hurt, I welcomed the warmth.
"Bisa istan daor nykeā part hen kȳvanon" I muttered (Translation: This was not part of my plan)
"If anyone's got a problem with it, it would be Potter" Growled Moody, "But funny thing . . . I don't hear him complaining about anything?"
"Why should 'e complain?" Fluer exclaimed. "'E is gettin to compete?"
"Maybe someone is hoping he will die for this?" Moody growled, I felt a chill run up and down my spine, certainly giving away my guilt. I felt myself lift my head, hoping a faux sense of confidence would keep my innocence apparent.
"Yes, but why is my name in there?" I asked. I folded my hands neatly behind my back.
"Perhaps they want you dead as well?" Moody said, I smirked.
"But why? I have no true political power, all of my money is managed by my mother" I ran my tongue across my bottom lip. Is this Dumbledore getting his vengeance?
"You speak the dragons tongue-" Karkaroff began.
"The dragon's tongue is all but useless while we don't have dragons" I snapped. This was infuriating, I wanted answers.
"Dragons are all but nonexistent, there are sanctuaries that are barely filled."
"You will compete" Mr. Crouch. "All five of you" silent resignation is what I felt at that moment, there was nothing I could do. "The first task is meant to challenge courage, so we are not going to be telling you what said task will be. Courage is a very important virtue in the face of the unknown . . . very important." Courage. "The first task will take place November the twenty-fourth in front of the other students and the panel of judges. The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks of the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. You will receive information about the second task after the first."
"Is that all?" Dumbledore asked.
"I think so Albus" Crouch rolled up his scroll and tucked it under his armpit.

As the other champions left one by one, starting with Fluer and ending with Harry and Cedric. I got escorted out by Severus. He didn't look at me.
"I don't want you to leave your room until the first task." He said quietly after moments of walking in complete silence.
"What?" I asked, why did he expect me to stay in my room? I can't. "I can't" 
"Hermione will bring you breakfast, lunch, dinner and your work. You will stay in your room, its the only place you will be safe" He still just looked ahead. I stopped walking.
"I can defend myself" I said, why? "Don't I get a choice in this?" I asked.
"No." Severus said. No explanation. No nothing.
"Don't I get an explanation? Harry will be allowed out of his room. Why is it just me?" I shouted, Severus grabbed my upper forearm. I wrenched my arm out of his hand and lifted my chin. "I demand an explanation"
"I am not worried for Harry, Fluer or Viktor. Whomever put your name in the goblet wants you dead. I will not allow that to happen."

"Jorrāelagon muñnykeā, nyke ēdan daor qringōntan se gaomilaksir entrusted naejot issa, yn konīr emagon issare nykeā complication. Someone dīnagon issa brōzi isse se goblet hen perzys, nyke jāhor sagon competing isse se triwizard tournament. Severus won't ivestragī issa hen hen issa tistākēlio se se ēlī task iksos isse lanta tubissa, tubī nyke istan called isse syt se wand weighing, verdagon sure bona nyke hadn't tampered rūsīr ziry. Nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon skoros naejot gaomagon, nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon se ziry scaring issa. Nyke sepār, nyke really jaelagon ao istan kesīr rūsīr issa, ao va moriot gīmigon skoros naejot gaomagon. Jorrāelagon- enya"
(Translation:Dear Mother,I had not failed the mission entrusted to me, but there has been a complication. Someone put my name in the Goblet of Fire, I will be competing in the Triwizard tournament. Severus won't let me out of my room and the first task is in two days, today I was called in for the wand weighing, making sure that I hadn't tampered with it. I don't know what to do, I don't know and it scaring me. I just, I really wish you were here with me, you always know what to do. Love- Enya)

"Hello Harry" I said, slowing unfolding my legs and turning to see him standing in the doorway. He smiled nervously.
"Today's the day" He said, "Are you nervous?"
I smirked. "No, nervousness is not something I planned for today"
"Ah, so do you want to walk with me down there, seeing as-"
"Yes Harry, I would love to" I chuckled, placing my hand in his.

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