Chapter 2

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I stared at the doors of the great hall, I could hear all of the people inside, bustling with chatter and laughter. I took a deep breath to gather myself, to get rid of the big ball  of nervousness and anxiety sitting hard as a rock in my stomach. I straightened my back and raised my head with a false air of confidence. I can do this.
“Are you ready for this Enya?” Severus said, walking to stand next to me, I didn’t look at him, but I felt his eyes on me.
“Of course I am.” I said, confidently, except it was fake, i wasn’t ready for this, i wasn’t ready to possibly disappoint my entire family.
“Of course you are” Severus said with a slight hint of sarcasm, I think he saw through my act. I clasped my hands together and fiddled with my ring nervously. “You will be fine.”
“What if I’m not sorted into Slytherin?” I said, worried slightly, what if I disappointed my father? Or, even worse, Narcissa?
“I truly don’t know” Severus said. He sounded truthful, but did I trust him? That was a difficult question to answer, I've known him my entire life, he was my godfather, and yet I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling me. "You need to walk in there with your head held high, You need to show them who you are"
            "Who am I then Severus, am I Enya Malfoy, daughter of Narcissa and Lucius, or am I Enya Riddle, daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle?" I said, my voice was cracking, who even was I.
             "Your parents do not define you, you must make your own destiny and your own name, whether that be riddle or malfoy" Severus said wisely. "Or, simply Enya"
              If only that were true. I felt my heart rate increase as I heard what I presumed to be the sorting hat yell: "Whitby, Kevin HUFFLPUFF"
              "I have a quick announcement" Dumbledore said, his voice rang out so loud I heard him through the large doors. "I would like to Welcome for Beauxbatons, Enya Malfoy-" ah, so they will be using my fake name, makes sense, nobody wants Voldemorts daughter parading around with their children. "-Shes will be sorted and she will join the 4th years" Dumbledore said as the huge, thick doors opened in front of me. This was my que I suppose, I thought as I walked in between the tables.
               I kept my head held high and my spine straight, I kept my eyes looking forward, ignoring the whispers and stares, the pointing and glares. I walked up to the rickety stool. "Professor Mcgonallal" I said, nodding my head to the older woman with the hat in her hands, she was glaring over her glasses. She was suspicious, she didn't trust me.
              "Miss Malfoy" She said crossly, she placed the hat on my head.
               "Ah, daughter of the dark lord, slytherin? Oh, you don't seem like your father-" I pressed my eyes shut and didn't respond. "I was inside your father's mind once before, and now I'm in yours, you're very loyal, but your not kind Hufflepuffs out of the picture" He hummed, thank Merlin, I thought. "You're smart but not imaginative, so ravenclaw is also out of your picture, your cunning, ambitious, hardworking, the perfect Slytherin, you could grow to be just as powerful as your father, you could have the wizarding world in your palm" I'm nothing like my father, I thought, I dont want to be anything like my father. "Are you ashamed? Or scared? Are you scared you'll turn out just like your father?-" I swallowed hard. "You're courageous, you are unlike your family, you saved a muggleborn instead of leaving her to die, you went against your families core values, I believe that means: GRYFFINDOR" The hat yelled aloud.
             I sighed and got off the stool, looking towards the gryffindor table, a girl with bright red hair and freckles covering her face waved to me. I smiled and walked towards her, I sat in between her and Harry Potter.
             "I'm ginny. Ginny Weasley" the beautiful redhead said. "My brother very there, he talks about you a lot, so does Harry, and Hermione," Ginny said, pointing out every one of the people she said.
             I smiled. "I'm Enya. Enya Malfoy" Harry turned to look at me. He looked at me somewhat suspiciously. He didn't trust me either, I don't blame him, not really.
              "Why did you save hermione?" He said, I looked at who was sitting across from me, the muggleborn, so that was her name, 'Hermione' beautiful name really.
              "Right to the point aren't we?" I said, smirking, trying to play off my nervousness.
               "You're a Malfoy." Hermione said, matter of factly. "Malfoy's are known for their hatred of muggleborns and muggles themselves"
               "Yes they are. They are also known for being strictly Slytherin are they not?" I said raising my eyebrows at her, she narrowed her eyes, as though she was either impressed or irritated.
               "That's right." Hermione says she studies me, as though I was a complicated book she wanted to read. She folded her hands in her lap. "I suppose you're different from your brother?"
                "Quite." I said, grabbing a fork and looking at hands, I remembered the blood trickling down my fingers as I-
                "So!" Dumbledore said smiling, I jumped as I awoke from my strange stance. "Now that we are all fed and watered, I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices". Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle this year has been extended to include screaming yoyos, Fanged frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list compiles of four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe and can be viewed in Mr. Filch’s office, if anybody would like to check it.”
The corners of Dumbledore's mouth twitched. He continued, good Salazar, did this man ever get tired of his own voice, I thought, looking around to see Harry looking at me. “As ever-” Apparently not. “I would like to remind you all that the forest on the grounds is out of bounds for all students, as is the village of Hogsmead to all below third year”
“It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this yeat” Damnit.
“What?” Harry gasped, looking around to stare at two lanky, red headed teens sitting across from him. They mouthed soundlessly at Dumbledore as though they couldn’t believe their ears.
“This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers time and energy- but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts-”
But at that moment there was a great deafening rumble of thunder as the great hall doors shot open.
A man stood in the doorway, leaning upon a long staff, shrouded in black traveling cloak. Every head in the great hall turned towards the stranger, suddenly brightly illuminated by a fork of lightning that flashed across the ceiling. He lowered his hood, shook out a long mane of grizzled, dark gray hair, then began to walk up to the teachers table.
A dull clunk echoed through the hall on every other step. He has a limp, weakness, exploit it, a voice in the base of my skull whispered. I stared at the goblet in my hand, Mad-eye moody, he will be helpful to you. The voice whispered again.
“Enya, Enya are you alright?” Harry said, looking at me, he studied me, my expressions, my body language, from what I could tell he was trying to find my weakness. I don’t have one.
“Yes, yes I’m fine” I said, straightening my spine and looking towards Dumbledore again.
“May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?” DUmbledore said brightly into the silence. “Professor Moody”
“Moody?” Harry muttered. “Mad-eye Moody? Like the one your dad went to help this morning?”
“He looks strange,” I said, looking at him.
“Must be” Ron said in a low, awed voice.
“What happened to his face?” Hermione said bluntly.
“Dunno” Ron whispered back, watching Moody with intense fascination.
Dumbledore cleared his throat. “As I was saying, we are here to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that had not been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year” This of course I had known since they made the decision, but it will be fun to watch I suppose.
“YOU’RE JOKING” said Fred Wealsey loudly.
“I am not joking Mr. Weasley" He said, He's old and unsuspecting, the voice whispered, his voice raising the hair on the back of my neck. "Although, now that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun who all went into a bar . . ."
            Professor Mcgonallal cleared her throat loudly.
           "Er- but maybe this is not the time . . . No . . ." Said Dumbledore, "where was I? Ah, yes, the Triwizard Tournament . . . Well, some of you will not know what this tournament involves, so I hope those who do know will forgive me for giving a short explanation, and allow their attention to wander freely" Good I wrap my hands together and place them in my lap, I look around the table, surveying each and every one of the faces around me. Harry's eyes were bright green, they reminded me of the stones in my signet ring. His hair was black and unkempt. Hermione's eyes were brown, and her hair was curly and crazy to be quite frank.
            "Eager though I know all you will be to bring the Triwizard cup to Hogwarts," He said. "The heads of the participating school, along with the ministry of magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction-" ah, so unlike Lucius wanted, neither draco nor I could compete, what a shame I thought. "On contenders this year. Only students who are of age- that is to say, seventeen years or older - will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration. This" - Dumbledore raised his voice slightly as students all around us raised their voices in either anger or disbelief. "- is a measure we feel is necessary, given that the tournament tasks will be difficult and dangerous, whatever precautions we take, and it is highly unlikely that students below sixth and seventh year will be able to cope with them. I will personally be ensuring that no underage student hoodwinks our judge into making them Hogwarts champion." He looked towards the Weasley twins, were they the pranksters around here? "I therefore beg you not to waste your time submitting if you're under seventeen"
              "The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October and remaining with us for the greater part of this year. I know you will all extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are with us, and will give your whole-hearted support to the Hogwarts champion when he or she is selected. And now, it is late, and I know how important it is to you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Bedtime! Chop chop!"
              "They can't do that!" George Weasley said, who hadn't joined the crowd moving to the door, instead he was standing up and glaring at Dumbledore. "We're seventeen in April, why can't we have a shot?"
              "They're not stopping me from entering," Fred said stubbornly, also scowling at the table. What's the big deal? Why does this matter so much to the Weasleys? I thought, glancing between both of them. "The champions'll get to do all sorts of stuff you'd never be allowed to do normally. And a thousand galleons prize money" the money, that's what it is.
               "Yeah" said Ron, a faraway look in his eyes. "Yeah, a thousand galleons . . ."
               "Come on," Said Hermione, "we'll be the only one left here if you don't move. Enya, we'll likely be sharing the same dorm, I can help you find it" Hermione said sweetly to me. Why was she so kind? It was strange.
               I smiled at her, and nodded politely. "Who's this impartial judge that's going to decide who the champions are?" Harry asked.
               "Dunno" Fred said, "but it's them we'll have to fool. I reckon a couple drops of aging potion might do it, George . . ."
               "Dumbledore knows your not of age though," said Ron.
               "Yeah, but he's not the one who decides who the champion is, is he?" Said Fred shrewdly. "Sounds to me like this judge knows who wants to enter, he'll choose the best from each school and nevermind how old they are. Dumbledores trying to stop us giving out names.
               "People have died, though!" Hermione said in a worried voice, as we walked through the door concealed behind a tapestry, and started up another narrower staircase, frankly, I had no idea where I was going, so naturally, I followed Hermione.
               "Yeah," said Fred airily, "but that was years ago wasn't it? Anyways, where the fun without a bit of risk? Hey, Ron, what if we find out how to get around Dumbledore? Fancy entering?"
               "What d'you reckon?" Ron said to Harry. "Be cool to enter, wouldn't it? But I s'pose they'll want someone older . . . Dunno if we've learned enough . . ."
               "I agree with Hermione" I said, looking at Hermione "it's to great a risk for a bit of money"
              "Who are you?" Fred asked, scrutinizing me.
              "Enya Malfoy." I said slowly, my hesitation must've been obvious knowing I had lied about my last name.
              "So of course you don't have to worry about a 'bit of money', you've been pampered your whole life" Fred said, sounding angry.
              "I just don't believe the money is worth your possible death" I said calmly, I was getting irritated, he was right about the money part, I had never been without, but I was far from pampered.
              We walked up the stairs in silence until we got to what I presumed to be the Gryffindor tower, it seemed concealed, heavily guarded by a… portrait of a fat woman? I was confused, so this was the mighty guardian of the gryffindor tower? Strange to say the least.
              "Password?" She said as we approached.
              "Balderdash," George said.
              The portrait swung open to reveal a hole in the wall through which we all climbed. A crackling fire warmed the circular common room which was full of squishy armchairs and tables. Hermione cast the merrily dancing flames a dark look.
              "Enya and I are going to bed" Hermione said to Harry. She was right, I was tired, quite tired now that I think of it.
               "Goodnight Enya, sleep well" Harry said to me. "Night Hermione" he then said.
               We walked up a large set of stairs.
               Hermione opened the door at the top and walked in, I was shortly behind her. "This is our form, boys can't get up here, and it seems all of your luggage has been brought up here already, do you have a pet? I have good O'le Crookshanks" She said, pointing to my bags and then a fluffy orange cat laying on one of the bunks.
                "I have an owl," I said, running my hand over my dragon leather bag. Lucius always was over the top, I thought with a sneer. "Her name is nightstar, she's a beautiful black owl"
                "I assume you'll bring all your toiletries?" Hermione said as she went into the bathroom, to change? I wondered.
                "Yes of course" I said, opening my bag and grabbing out my wand, why hadn't it been in my pocket?
                "I want to sincerely thank you for saving my life. At the Quidditch cup, knowing you probably risked your own life in doing so, I really thank you." Hermione said, smiling kindly at me.
                 "Of course" I said, smiling back, I believed Hermione would be a wonderful friend, or a useful asset or servant, perhaps the mudblood can live the voice whispered in my ear again. "Silence father" I muttered quietly.
                  After a cold shower I finally laid in my bed, I lay there knowing I would not be allowed to sleep, for when I was asleep was when father could speak to me clearly. I lay there knowing if I did sleep, I would be plauged by nightmares.

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