Dizz Knee Land

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They walked around Disneyland only a few days later. Allie was enamored. She had a bright, beautiful smile and a pep in her step. Although Dean had started off the day with his usual tough bravado... that had quickly fallen. The trio was having fun. Actually happy. Cotton candy on sticks and legs of meat were being carried around by children and adults alike. A few short but sweet hours of straight-up mayhem and childlike wonder could turn around a whole week. All the people... They had no idea. The truths were out there like serpents hiding in the night.

A wide grin took over her features as they got onto the teacup ride. They were fucked. Allie was going to spin that shit into space. "You guys should have said no." They couldn't have. She gave a cute smile combined with big doe eyes when she asked. Was manipulation possible at Disneyland?

The ride started and Allie suddenly jerked the wheel around. Hard. It sent the boys flying back against the wall.

Dean Winchester let out a surprised yelp as the teacup they were sitting in suddenly veered wildly to one side, sending him and Sam flying against the metal walls. His grip tightened reflexively around Allie's waist, holding on for dear life as she giggled manically beside him.

"Allie!" he growled playfully, trying not to laugh at their ridiculous predicament. "You little...!"

Sam Winchester squealed before he could stop the embarrassing sound from tumbling out, his hands gripping the sides of their spinning teacup as it careened wildly around the track. Despite himself, he couldn't help but laugh along with Dean; for once, they were just three normal people enjoying a day at Disneyland, albeit an extremely bumpy and disorienting one thanks to Allie's antics.

He glanced over at her, admiring how she seemed so free here; unburdened by the weight of hunting and loss that had become all too familiar to them. "JESUS CHRIST!"

"WOOOOHOOOOO BOYS!" She yelled with glee and started to whip around the wheel faster and faster until she was forced between them from the speed. Allie put her hands up in carefree enthusiasm as they twirled intensely.

"Fudge yeah baby! Saturn here we come!" She didn't care if she sounded like a complete idiot. It was fun and that's what mattered. Right now they were just three friends having a damn good time. Even Dean. Which only added to her enjoyment.

Dean couldn't help but laugh, his muscular arms tightening around Allie as they spun wildly in their teacup. "You little nutjob," he growled playfully, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie and connection with her that went beyond hunting partners or even friends. The sunlight was hitting her hair. He'd never seen her so happy before. It was childish and almost innocent and... incredibly endearing. If only it could be like this all the time. The thought clouded with a brief melancholy. This would end. It always did.

"I swear to God if you get us killed here..." He trailed off, unable to maintain the threat when she was grinning so widely at him.

Sam held on tightly, his eyes closed against the spinning world outside their teacup. It was refreshing to let go for a moment; to forget about demons and monsters and just enjoy being alive in this chaotic, carefree way. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so free, so... happy. They never did anything like this when they were kids. Did Allie know that? Did she know that this was something he had yearned for? The normalcy of spending a day with his family at an amusement park.

He glanced over at Allie, admiring her infectious joy as she giggled unabashedly, hands still gripping the wheel like it was a steering wheel instead of practically a toy.

When they eventually got out she watched as the brothers stumbled around in their dizzy stupor. "You guys didn't throw up, good job! Usually, people yack after." She wasn't lying. Allie was a fucking menace on the teacups.

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