Back to the Old House

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It turned out that pulling one's whole, exhausted body out of a shallow grave was difficult. Wow. Who knew?

Dirt shoved its grainy beads under short fingernails, grime and blood lay there - old flesh that somehow hadn't rotted the way it had been created to. She stumbled down a desolate road outside of Sioux Falls under evening hues. The sunset peaked beautifully over a nearby field, contrasting the way her form looked as though a tornado had grabbed her and flung her clear across South Dakota.

Calling the boys proved useless. No one answered the lines, at least not the three she had managed from yanking quarters out of a take-a-penny. Her father held multiple burners for communication that had been passed down to Garth but a living dead girl certainly didn't have the greatest memory upon rebooting. By the grace of God (not that she had ever actually believed in the divine entity, at least not in a... positive way) she had managed to find herself at a cafe, lookin' like walking, talking - death.

No credit cards, no phone, no money... being dead fucking sucked. All of the usual suspects for getting by no longer proved fruitful and so Alice called the phone company to try and track down Jody Mills, considering everyone else stayed out of the fucking yellow pages. Just Hunter things.

When Allie finally showed up days later outside of the bunker that held no familiarity to her, she was in better... condition via stolen clothes and a gym shower, not to mention Jody's kindred assistance. A few days at the older woman's home at least allowed her momentary catch-up on the fact that it had been five years since her death. The door opening led to a wide smile and Alice gazed up at the man who had seemingly aged an eternity in just a few years. "Honey, I'm home. " to her it had been but a day, no recollection of her time spent up in the great white cloud. "You got any beer, handsome? I'm parched."

Forest green focused on the blonde in front of him. Jody had called him and, admittedly, went on a small tangent over finding what she believed to be another zombie. Though upon getting his demised friend to shower, she had noted that Allie looked no worse for wear. Nearly... normal. Like the day she left. Aside from her once ravaged tongue and whitened eyes.

Dean hadn't expected her to arrive so soon. Jody must have thought dispensing her early was the best option. After all, a reconciliation should have been joyous. Instead Dean stared at her, unsure of what to say or if any of the day was even real. Hell, he'd seen his fair share of hallucinations. "I..." Words died at his mouth to the sight of her short flirtatious expression, her casualness and humor towards the earth shattering revelation that the dead walked the earth and wanted a beer of all things. That was the first alarm. Allie wasn't much of a beer woman. Sure sometimes she would pick it up if he and Sam were sharing a pint but overall she...

The words were a joke. He was reading too much into it.

"Are you..." Brows furrowed and knotted in confusion before his hand tentatively reached out to grasp her shoulder with a rough shake. It moved. Her body moved.

"Sonofabitch..." Mills had, apparently, gone through the worshiped conditions of making sure the blonde beauty wasn't a shifter, or any other sort of rogue monster with a familiar face. Sam talked her through all of those little rituals.

"I know, pretty cool right. I look great! I knew everything looked good on me. Even death. So... couture." Resurrection was certainly high-end, not very affordable for the average Joe. Blue eyes fluttered a bit. Something felt... different. New. Like the puzzle of her soul had been mended together and made theatrical again, a rebirth into the personality of her younger self. Void of the trauma that had once plagued her. Sure, she remembered - vastly, in fact. But the harsh feelings of being lost in dark waters no longer consumed her.

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