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A hunt followed that was... intense; a town overridden with them. They met Gordon Walker, a vampire hunter. Dean saved him from a vamp and they all went to the bar together.

But some of the things that Gordon was saying... well, she just didn't quite agree. He was aggressive, hard-headed, and brutal. He wasn't like Dean or Sam and that frightened her. She watched as the men drank. Eventually, Gordan left and Allie was left alone with Dean. "I don't like him." She knew Dean would disagree.

Dean raised an eyebrow in surprise, turning to face Allie with a curious expression. "You don't like Gordon?" he asked skeptically, taking another swig of his beer before setting it down on the table between them. "He knows how to get shit done," he pointed out defensively, crossing his arms over his chest.

Allie bit the inside of her lip in frustration. "What about when he said that hunting has no shades of grey? That it's just black and white?" Gordan scared her because he lacked empathy. "He's—- what if he's dangerous, Dean? Something's not right." They didn't fight as much these days but Allie straight up did not agree with her mentor.

"You barely know him!" She raised her voice. It felt like Dean wasn't taking her opinion seriously.

Dean's eyes narrowed in annoyance at her tone, but he took a deep breath to calm himself before responding. "Allie," he said firmly in warning, reaching out a hand to brush away a stray strand of hair from her face. "I know you care about these people we save, and I do too." He paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "But sometimes... there are monsters that need to be put down without hesitation. And Gordon? Yeah, maybe he doesn't always go about it the most... ethical way, but he gets the job done."

"Besides," he added with a small grin tugging at his lips as he attempted to butter her up to avoid a fight. "you're not going anywhere. I got you covered, okay? You're safe with me." His hand squeezed hers reassuringly before pulling her closer to him so their bodies brushed against each other in an almost familiar manner. They had danced this tango many times.

Allie recoiled away from him. Dean was wrong. She knew he was wrong. "Don't." He was trying to lighten things up. That wasn't going to work. "Ethical way?" She questioned with narrowed eyes. "He likes it! He talks about it like it's a game! We do what we do because we have to, not to revel in it! That's fucked up!" She shook her head in disbelief. Part of her knew it was due to his grief— his anger.

Dean's eyes flashed with frustration and annoyance at her words, but he forced himself to take a deep breath before responding. "Alls," he growled out through clenched teeth, his voice low enough that only she could hear him over the music playing in the background.

"You don't know shit about what it's like to lose people you care about because some pussy-ass hunter didn't have the balls to finish the job right the first time! Gordon finishes the job."

Allie seethed. This wasn't like any fight they had ever had before. Normally there was levity even when they argued but this was different.

"You're so far up your own ass that shit is coming out your mouth!" Woah. She was pissed. Allie took his beer, slammed it back with a large gulp, and gave him cold eyes. He was dismissing her and if there was anything that got her gears grinding, it was being dismissed. Gordon was dangerous. She knew it. "I'm going back to the motel!" She yelled loud enough for people to look away. Dean had never seen her angry before, not really. It was like a wildfire.

Dean's eyes widened in shock at her words, his jaw clenching tightly as he watched her storm out of the bar. He couldn't believe she would just leave him like that, not after everything they had been through together. But then again, maybe it was deserved. Maybe she was right and he was becoming too consumed by revenge to see clearly anymore. He downed another beer in one shot before slamming the glass on the table hard enough to draw a few more curious glances from nearby patrons.

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