Caged Heat

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One minute she was walking around outside, taking a brisk breather from the world. Or, more specifically, their world - the next her eyes were blinking open, her mind awakening to a pounding headache. The blonde groaned loudly and attempted to rub her eyes only to find her hands tied behind her back with tight intensity, her chest strapped to a chair by thick ropes. Dean and Sam were speaking; their voices registered in her ears and Allie looked up only to see Meg standing between the two brothers. She was spouting some bullshit like usual. For once Allie stayed quiet and just let the bitch talk. Eventually, she exited stage left and Allie let out a puff of air. "Bitch..." she spoke under her breath and shook her head. Fuckin' Meg.

Dean turned to look at Allie with a grimace. "You were awake?!" she'd been fuckin' silent as a mouse! "Thanks for the help." The demon bitch had a knife to his throat and Allie didn't say a damn word? He was... surprised. That was unlike her. Normally she'd be spouting some sarcastic comment and probably getting them into even more trouble. Then again Allie had been... different. Things still weren't where they had been. What the fuck was going on? Something about her...

Allie shrugged. "Sam had it covered," She gestured to him with her head. "Oh! I just woke up! Pick your panties up off the ground!" he was all in a twist about it. She smiled and bit her lip, knowing he wouldn't like that. Lately, she had been irritable due to Sam being all fucked up. Things weren't exactly getting any better and she was tired. Not to mention she was depressed. Just straight-up depressed and there seemed to be no end in sight. Originally the excuse had been that Dean was off with Lisa and Sam was ignoring her but now technically both of those were... solved. Kind of? But the pain hadn't gotten better. Sure she'd dealt with hard shit before and she had gotten sad but after all of that, she still strived to live. After Ryan beat her senseless she still pushed forward. So what was the problem now? The dejection just wouldn't leave. It was a parasite in her fucking head.

Dean wrestled his way out of the chair, letting the ropes fall. "Do you want out of that chair or not?!" Sometimes she really got under his skin, only because they were so alike. Man. He should have thought of that line; it was pretty good. But not at him! At someone else! Somehow he had come to like her spitfire traits. The damn woman could be kind of mean though. He'd noticed she was especially irritated over the past few months. Originally he had thought it would get better over time but now...

Allie grumbled something incoherent before quietly speaking under her breath. "yes" her eyes flickered away from him and she looked down, as if angry about being put in a position where she couldn't win their argument without asking him for help.

"What was that?" He leaned forward to mock her. "Sorry I couldn't hear you, say again!" although he did enjoy it when she was kind of bitchy, her words had still pissed him off. Though that could have been a side effect from nearly being fucking gutted by Meg too.

"I said yes!" She barked and bit her lip. Before finally relenting her argument and rolling her eyes. He was going to do the thing where she had to say something nice first. She already knew the tango like the back of her hand. Seven years of friendship tended to do that. "Your hair looks nice today." Her tone was flat.

Sam had noticeably stayed quiet during their little fired-up interaction. Normally he'd be interrupting by now, telling them to be quiet or something. Dean hated that it wasn't happening. Instead, Sam seemed to just look off as if to ignore them completely. "Try again, sweetheart. That wasn't very nice." If anything Dean's tone wasn't rough, just firm. One thing. He wanted one thing from her and he did it for a fucking reason. It was an easy way to get a compliment from her and feel good about himself without it being weird. Neediness under the guise of bickering.

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