No Rest for The Wicked

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The clock striking midnight felt like a fucking stab wound. They had come so, so far only to lose. All of them turned to face the grandfather clock.

The trio shared a look. It was happening. Allie gulped. The sound of dogs growling outside only punctuated the pain. Hellhounds.

Until Dean noted there was one near. They all bolted into the room beside them and forced the door closed while the mutts rammed against the door. The boys were doing anything they could to keep the dogs out. For the first time ever Allie completely froze. Time was somehow fast and yet excruciatingly slow at the same time.

Lilith, now in Ruby's body, opened the doors and the hounds came in. They ripped into Dean's body as though it was nothing. His flesh became ribbons and blood squirted everywhere. It was like she was depersonalized.

By the time Allie was somewhat back to reality Sam was crying over Dean's rag-dolled and torn corpse. He had deep claw and bite marks all over him. His gorgeous green eyes were open.

"Dean!" Sam shouted desperately as the dogs came in. He tried to fight them off but it was no use. They were too strong. It was a bloodbath. Allie was horrified and Sam could tell. Her face went pale, her mouth was agape. The sight of Dean's body, mutilated and bloodied was too much for her. Sam couldn't stop crying. This couldn't be real. It just couldn't be. Dean had to still be alive. Maybe he was. The denial was intense.

Sam's hands ran over his older brother's corpse. He checked for a pulse and didn't find one. There was a hole where his heart was. "Dean, no."

Allie waited for what felt like forever. Bobby came and they all loaded Dean's body into the truck. She had never been so quiet in her life. She just stared out the windshield of the Impala as she drove. Sam was with her dad. He was too distraught to be behind the wheel. She was fucked too of course but in a different way. She completely shut down. It was like a light switch. Her job now was to take care of Sam. Could she even do it?

When she met up with Sam and Bobby they were burying Dean's body. Normally hunter's bodies were burned but Sam insisted they'd find a way to bring Dean back. Allie just stayed quiet.

Bobby sighed softly, his voice shaking, "I'm sorry son. We did everything we could." He said, and he truly meant it. Dean was like a son to him, and Bobby didn't think he would ever see another day where he would be happy again. Not without Dean.

"Now you listen to me, boy. The last thing he said to me, was that he wanted us to take care of you. That's what we're gonna do."

Sam just listened to Bobby as he spoke, and he tried to hold back his tears but he couldn't. The tears just fell, and he could barely even speak. Bobby was right. Dean's last wishes were for them to take care of him, and Sam knew he was going to do just that.

"Bobby," Sam began, his voice shaky. "I want to bring Dean back. He doesn't deserve to go to Hell. It's not right. I'm not gonna give up on him."

Sam wiped away the tears, his voice trembling, "I know that I'm probably crazy for thinking that I can bring him back, but I'm not giving up. I'm going to bring him back."

Bobby gave a half-hearted smile to Sam, trying to keep his emotions in check. He knew Sam was serious about bringing Dean back. But how would they do that? Dean had been torn into ribbons. "I don't know how Sam. I don't think there's a way. But if you think of something, I'll help you out in any way I can." Bobby promised, and he meant it. He wanted Dean back just as much as Sam did, and if there was a chance of bringing him back, Bobby was going to take it.

"In the meantime, we gotta take care of each other. I ain't gonna let anything happen to you, and I expect you to do the same."

"Thanks, Bobby," Sam said, looking down at his feet.

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