Otoya Ittoki

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Over the past month, you had been fighting with yourself over what you feel for one of the STARISH members. You had met him individually the second day he was there in the Master Course, and you had even grown to be one of his bestest friends.

Though all of that was true, you started feeling more for him recently. You don't understand it exactly, but it's just that his flamboyantness has made you even more happy than before.

"(F/N)!" You heard him call from somewhere behind you.

You turn and are met by the red head leaning on his knees trying to catch his breath. "What's up, Otoya?" You ask.

He smiles brightly, "I was wondering if you were free later?"

You nod, "I don't have anymore work for today, why?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the fair with me." He says excitedly.

You feel a slight blush coming on as you say, "Sure."

His smile brightens more and even he starts to blush. "Awesome! Then let's go!" He says, dragging you along.

"W-wait a second! Don't you still have work to do?" You ask.

He looks back to you as you ask, "Nope. I finished early so that I could ask you to go with me." He says with a blush.

You smile to him again, "Alright! What are we waiting for then!" You speed up and start racing him.


The two of you get to the fair and start to walk around. After going on a few rides the two of you go into the haunted house.

You start to shiver and don't realize you are slightly holding on to Otoya. "Is something wrong, (F/N)?" He asks, looking down at you.

You jump at his sudden voice, "S-sorry, it's just... I am slightly scared of the dark..." You say quietly.

You feel a warm arm wrap around your waist and you let out a squeak. "It's okay, you're with me." He says, smiling brightly.

You blush at this but let him hold you like that. "Th-thank you, Otoya..." You say, looking down but not feeling afraid anymore.

The two of you get out of the haunted house but Otoya doesn't let go of you. You realize, since you aren't fighting him, that what you've been feeling is stronger than any friendship.

Otoya sits down on a bench, sighing. "That haunted house was fun, don't you think?" He asks, his arm moving to your shoulders.

"Yeah, it was." You say, looking up at him. You blush when you notice how close the two of you are.

He opens his mouth to speak, "(F/N)... I wanted to tell you something for some time now...." He says with pink tinting his cheeks. "Let's see... how do I say this.... oh, I should have asked Tokiya for more help." He says to himself with a bit of self-loathing.

You smile and kiss his cheek. "I've liked you for a while now..." You mutter.

He blushes and looks down at you in surprise. "Yeah... " He smiles, "I have too. Actually, I think I love you." He says, leaning down and planting a kiss on your lips.

You blush and kiss him in return. "I am glad that you feel the same." You whisper. "I love you." You say, making him blush even more than you and he laughs.

"I love you too." He says with a warm smile, kissing you again.

"It was about time!" We hear someone say.

We both look up to see Syo and Natsuki. "You two look absolutely adorable together!" He exclaims, his Piyo hat's feather at the top bouncing.

"I was starting to get tired of Otoya staring at you (F/N), glad he finally confessed to you." Syo says, scratching the back of his head.

"Actually. I confessed first." You say with a laugh.

"You may have said so first, but I have loved you since I first saw you." Otoya says smugly, picking you up bridal style.

"Whoa!" You exclaim as he spins you around. "I can walk on my own!" You complain.

He stops spinning and sets you down gracefully. "But it's so much more fun to carry you." He whines, holding you tightly.

"Okay, okay you two, get a room." Syo says, poking at the two of you.


The two of you get back to the Master Course dorms, holding hands the whole time, and STARISH is sitting in the lounge, excluding Syo and Natsuki of course.

They look up at the two of you, surprise writing all of their faces. "Why are you holding (F/N)'s hand, Ikki?" Ren asks.

Otoya looks at Ren and smiles. "Why do you think?" Is all he says before leading you away.

They all look at each, probably trying to figure out what just happened, and you giggle as Otoya leads you away.

He takes you to the roof and you see that the sun is setting. "It's so beautiful." You say, grinning and covering your eyes a little bit.

"I'm glad you like it, here." He sits down and gestures for you to sit.

You sit in front of him in between his legs and lean back. He is taken by slight surprise from this but wraps his arms around you as you two watch the sun set peacefully.

You sit there for a while and once the sun is gone Otoya lays back and you adjust yourself to look at the stars. "They are shining." You say.

"Not as much as you..." He mutters, making you blush.

The two of you lay there for a while longer until you fall asleep. "(F/N)?" He asks, but you are already basically dead.

He chuckles and lifts you up like a bride and carries you back to your room, getting a slightly strange look from Haruka. He sets you on your bed and kisses your head whispering, "Goodnight, (F/N)."

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