Hayato Ichinose

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"(N/N)~ why won't you dance with me~?" The playful navy-bluenette asked, tugging on your arm. You knew he was much stronger than him, but he refused to use his strength to force you into doing anything you didn't want to do.

You try shaking him off, "Haya~ I have work to do~!" You whine, trying to get to the piano room.

He stops pulling on you, "Fine~ then can we dance together later?" He asks happily.

You laugh, "Yes, yes, I will dance with you later, I need to finish composing this song for QUARTET NIGHT is all, I'll see you later."

He pouted slightly, "Fine, fine, I'll go see what Toki is doing~!" He says, running off to find his older twin.

Sighing, you walk into the piano room and see the four familiar members meet you at the piano, "Alright, let's start from the top and see where it goes!" You call out, sitting on the bench.


QUARTET NIGHT had left earlier for each of their jobs a while ago while you gather your papers and a familiarly smiling face greets you as you look up again. "Whoa!" You almost fall onto your back in surprise but instead you feel strong arms wrap around you, stopping your fall.

"Sorry I scared you, (N/N)." Hayato laughs, lifting you back up.

You laugh, picking up the last of the papers. "You're fine, I just finished actually, I need to take these papers back to my room and then we can hang out together." You smile at him, walking out of the room.

You knew he was grinning, "Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!" He exclaims, grabbing your free hand and dragging you to your room.


You quickly organize the papers in your rooms and grab Hayato's hand once more, "Now, we can go." You giggle, dragging him along this time.

He struggles to keep up for a moment before you feel yourself being lifted from the floor. "Sorry princess, but I'm leading here!" He says, spinning around a few times as he holds you in a bridal style.

You quickly wrap your arms around his neck, hoping not to fall as he takes off down the hall. "H-Hayato! Why are we running!?" You ask, burying your face in his chest.

He laughs, "Well, I sort of skipped out on Sacchan today to spend time with you, and if he knew I wasn't working then I'm sure he'd get upset! I may be his senior, but he's really scary!" He says, not even seeming to be out of breath.

You laugh as well as he finally lets you down. "Where are we?" You ask, looking around.

"Not that far from the Master Course really, here, it's beautiful." He smiles, taking your hand.

You followed him, admiring his dark blue hair from behind. You were surprised he wasn't wearing something frilly like he usually did, which made you think he was Tokiya for a minute.

"Here we are." He says, looking back at you with a more subtle smile than the playful grin he usually has. "This is my favorite place to come when I'm trying to relax, I think many of the STARISH members come here too." You look around to find a sparkling lake and a gazebo.

"Ah!" You gasp, "It's amazing! I've heard of this place but have never been myself." You say, beaming at the taller senior, "Thank you, for this!" You basically leap on him, embracing him tightly.

He laughs, patting your head, "No need to thank me, (Y/N), it's just natural beauty that I wanted to share with you."

You look up at him and see his bright smile and you feel your heart begin to race, heat rising to your cheeks. He notices this and suddenly puts his lips to your forehead.

"You don't feel warm, are you alright?" He asks worriedly.

You raise your hands, "N-no! I mean, no, I'm fine. It's just..." You blush further and look away.

You hear him chuckle lightly and feel his breath on your ear, "I see what's wrong." He whispers deeply, making you shiver.

You move your head to look at him again but you freeze when something warm and soft hits your lips. You realize that he is kissing you, and you return that kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.

You gasp when you feel something forcibly hit your back and Hayato takes this chance to invade your cavern with his tongue. "H-Haya-" You try to say between soft moans.

He pulls away slightly so both of you can catch your breath. "I love you, (Y/N)."

You smile to him, "So that's why you brought me out here. To tell me how you felt." You give him another quick, chaste kiss. "I am fine, because I love you too."

He returns to his normal, happy-go-lucky self. "I am glad!" He says, picking you up by the waist and spinning you around for the second time that day.

You hear a chuckle and Hayato puts you down, "I see I was right, huh?" A familiar voice says.

"Sacchan~ stop being so mysterious~!" Hayato calls out.

Satsuki comes out from the shadows and smiles a rare smile, "I'm happy for the two of you. Try and calm that idiot down a few notches from now on, would you?" He asks you, gesturing to Hayato.

You laugh as the two start bickering at one another. "Eh, what's so funny?" Hayato asks.

You look at the two of them with a smile, "You two get along quite well."

They both just look at you and then at each other. "Really?" They ask in unison. and then the three of you just sit and laugh for a little bit longer.


"Hey, (Y/N)?" Hayato asks you some time later. Satsuki had decided to go back to the Master Course so you and Hayato decided to spend the rest of your free time under a tree.

You look up at him, you were sort of in his lap. You were sitting in front of him with his legs on either side of you, his arms wrapped around your waist, "What is it Haya?"

He smiles down at you, "Why did you fall in love with me?"

You look ahead again in thought, "Well, I guess your personality drew me in. You are very lovable person." You look at him again and smile.

You saw a blush creep onto his face and you move to kiss his cheek, but he moved faster and kissed you full on the mouth. "I love you." He says, breaking away.

"I love you too." You say, kissing him again.

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