Syo Kurusu

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" You hear a voice call out to you and you turn to see Syo running away from Natsuki... again.

You start to panic and run as well, "Why are you trying to get my help!?" You yell at Syo, "He'll just go after me as well!"

"Sorry, you were the first person I saw. Sorry you got dragged into this!" He says, still holding his hat on his head.

"Stop saying sorry and run!"

"Syo~! (Y/N)~! Let's play dress up~!" Natsuki called.

After a few minutes, you and Syo managed to hide from him in your room. Haruka wasn't there since she had a meeting luckily.

Syo locked the door and heaved a sigh, leaning on the door. "That was close."

You collapse on your bed, panting. "You didn't have to drag me into that! You know I can't run well!" You say, glaring at him.

He winced, "Sorry."

You sigh, sitting back up. "Hey, what was it that Natsuki wanted to put on you this time anyway?" You ask.

"Some weird school girl uniform. It looked like that one outfit from an anime he was watching. Sailor something or the other." He explains, waving it off.

You laugh, "He wanted you to be a magical girl!" You fall back on the bed, laughing yourself to tears at the thought of him in a Sailor Moon outfit. (If you haven't seen it, watch the original. The new version sucks.)

He blushes and tackles you, "Stop imagining weird things! You are just as bad as Ren!" He says and starts tickling you.

You can't help but start losing yourself as he tickles you. You blush, trying to get him off. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was just so funny! Please stop!"

He seems to regain himself, stopping his tickle fit and getting off of you. He was blushing.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

He coughs nervously, "Y-Your shirt..." Is all he says and you realize it's pulled up, revealing your stomach.

You let out an embarrassed squeak and pull it down, facing away from him. It was even more embarrassing since you had fallen for him a long time ago.

He glances at the time and almost falls over, "Crap! I have to go! I will see you later, (Y/N)!" He says, flying out the door.

You just sit there, confused. "Why was Syo here?" A familiarly innocent voice asks.

"Ah, Haru!" You say, tackle-hugging her. "How was the meeting with Quartet Night? They can be a handful. I know, I'm their official composer." You ask, mildly worried. (Default occupation for you is their composer, deal with it.)

He opens her eyes wide, "No, no! They were quite... friendly." She said quickly. "Either way, did Syo need something? He just ran out when I was coming here."

"Ah... haha... Natsuki was chasing him again and he dragged me along." You say with a nervous laugh.

"I see, but, why were the two of you in here?" She asked, tilting her head.

You blushed at what you knew she was thinking, shaking your head. "Nothing like that! I swear!" You exclaim.

She suddenly gains a mischievous smile, "Why didn't you confess to him though~?" She asked. Unfortunately for you, this side of her was only shown to you when you were alone, like a trigger of some sort. It scared you sometimes.

You blushed madly, "Wh-why would I do that under these strange circumstances!" You let out, trying to come up with an excuse.

The younger girl smiled normally, "(Y/N) has been calling out in her sleep. She seems scared, scared that she will lose him." She says, sitting on her own bed.

You look away, "I suppose..." You admit. "But! I just can't bring myself to say anything! I mean, I'm a mentor." You say, trying to convince yourself.

She giggles, "I am sure that he won't mind." She says, seeming to instantly fall asleep.

You decide to deal with it another time and fall asleep as well.

~Haruka's POV~

After making sure that she was asleep, I went to the door and opened it, motioning Syo, who had been waiting outside not too long, to come in. "Thank you for helping me with this, Nanami." He says.

I nod, "No problem Syo, I am willing to help with anything." I tilt my head playfully.

He smiles, grateful. "I am glad that you are such a good friend." He says, patting my head after leaving the bouquet of (Fav/Flower)s on your nightstand with a note.

He soon left the room, Natsuki's form slightly visible in the doorway. He nodded at something and they walked away.

~Your POV, Morning~

You wake up with the sound of your alarm, the familiar tune soothing your surprisingly aching head. "What's this?" You ask, looking at the bouquet.

"'Please come to the gazebo by the lake by one' huh? I guess I should figure out who sent these." You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck.

You get ready and head out, eating some food before you go, unsurprised that you slept as long as you did on your day off.

Arriving at the gazebo just before the time it said, you sat down to admire the lake. You saw your reflection in the water and waited for something to happen.

"Ah!" You jump as something pops and you see confetti float down in your favorite colors.

Arms wrap around you and lift you up from behind, looking down to the water you glance a fedora falling to the ground. "Surprise!" Syo yelled from behind.

He set you back down on the ground and you turn around, meeting his bright blue eyes and his winning smile. "What's this for?" You ask.

He opened his eyes wide, "Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday!?" He exclaimed.

You tilt your head, "Oh yeah, I guess I've been so busy I forgot." You say with a laugh.

He sighs then smiles. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)." He says and you smile, kissing his cheek.

He blushed at your action, "Thank you, Syo." You say. "I guess, since we're alone, I can tell you that-"

"I love you." He finishes instead. He was blushing and now so were you.

"I love you too." You say, almost grinning.

He grabs your hand and starts to walk, "Come on, I've got another surprise for you." He says, and you remember the flowers.

"Thank you for those, by the way. They were beautiful." You heard him mumble something, but couldn't make it out.


He takes you back to the Master Course dorms and asks you to close your eyes. You do as he says and he leads you inside.

"Alright. Open your eyes."

You do so and you're greeted by everyone's smiling faces. Even Quartet Night was smiling. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)!" Everyone chorus'.

You feel tears sting your eyes and you smile brightly. "Thank you, everyone!" You say.

"It was Syo's idea." Otoya says. You turn to the blonde next to you to see him blushing and looking away, scratching his head.

You smile and basically jump on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Thank you for this, Syo." You say happily.

He blushes further, "Y-You're welcome." He stutters.

"Kiss her!" Ren calls out, making both of you blush and look at the others. They seemed to be encouraging you.

You both look back at the other and kiss, Syo cupping your cheek with one hand and the other wrapping around your waist. It was short and sweet, and when you pulled away, everyone was cheering.

"Happy birthday. I love you, (Y/N)." Syo says, a smile in his eyes.

"I love you too, Syo." You reply, pulling him in for another kiss.

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