Satsuki Shinomiya

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"Why must you belittle everyone!?" You shout at the tall blonde in front of you.

He made a 'tch' sound and turned on his heel, walking away from you. "Why is Sacchan so mad (N/N)?" Natsuki asked.

You let out a sigh, "He is just frustrated I think. Shining has been getting on him about his attitude and has been more irritable than usual because of it."

Natsuki looks down the hall his twin had just stalked down. "I'm sure there is another reason for his bad mood." He smiles, looking at you.

"What do you think it is?" You ask, truly curious.

He chuckles, "Why don't you go to him and see?" He offers.

You sigh once more, "Fine, I will right after I come back, I don't know how long my shoot will be. They want me to be some weird girl in this show." You say, walking off. You honestly feel bad for yelling at Satsuki, he was a little bit more sensitive than Natsuki. Worst of all though, was that you loved him.


*References to the Owari no Seraph anime, kudos to those who know it ^^

The girl the director had you playing was weird, a sort of passive-aggressive if you may. The scene playing right now was for one of the later episodes, where the protagonist reunites with his long lost best friend, the one of whom he thought was dead.

"Yuichiro! Pay attention!" You call out, swinging the scythe your character wielded at one of the extra 'vampires' that was 'attacking' him.

"M-Mika... is it really you!?" He calls out, acting as if he was in shock. You look out and see a familiar face but because you are shooting, you can't act surprised.

'Mika' looks at 'Yuichiro' solemnly, "Yu, why do you care so much for the humans?" He asks, and you silently praise his acting, since he never had that kind of personality off set.

Things continue smoothly until the director calls cut and decides to end shooting for the day. You pull off the lavender wig you wore for your character and went to your dressing room. You fixed your (H/C) hair and changed out of your costume, leaving the dressing room.

"(Y/N)." You hear a voice call out. You freeze, thinking he is still upset with you and fearing what he may do.

You turn slowly, "What is it, Satsuki?" You ask, hoping he didn't hear the very slight tremble in your voice.

He smiles lightly and rubs his hand on your head. "Why are you afraid? I've cooled off. Also, I listened to what you said, and I apologize for being such an ass." He chuckles and his smile lights up his entire face.

You stand there for a moment, shocked by his actions. "I see, thank you for the apology, but it wasn't needed, I shouldn't have yelled at you in the way I did. So I'm sorry." You look down.

He rests a finger under your chin and makes you look up at him again, "I don't accept your apology." He says simply, "I don't accept it because it wasn't your fault at all, I am just not good at being a kind person."

You stare at him for a moment, your gazes locked together. "Alright everybody! Get out of here!" The director calls out to the last stragglers, and they all laugh. The two of you break your gaze and you blush, not sure if he is embarrassed like you are.

"Let's get back to the Master Course, it's late." Satsuki says, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the building.


It wasn't that far of a walk, really, so you and Satsuki didn't have much time to talk, and this was actually the longest time he's spoken to you since he came to the Master Course with STARISH.

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