Cecil Aijima

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"Ah~!" You yawn, stretching your arms. You hear voices in the room and reach for your glasses so you can see who it is.

"I want to do something for her." Your eyes focus and you see Haruka talking to Cecil.

"Do what for me?" You ask, getting out of bed and rubbing the back of your head lazily.

Haruka and Cecil jump, looking your way, "Hehe... it's a um..." Haruka tries to say.

"It's a surprise!" Cecil finishes, looking away. Your eyes are still kind of blurry so you can't tell if he's blushing or not.

You pout and start poking Haruka's head, "You know how much I hate surprises! Come on~ tell me~"

She laughs, "But that would ruin it." She says, smiling.

Cecil looks over at the time and starts to flip out. You follow his gaze and tense, "Cecil, get out! Our photoshoot starts in half an hour!" You say rushing to get him out so you can get ready to go.


You pant as you run alongside the prince to the photoshoot. Once you arrive the people hosting it seem glad that you actually made it early. "Huh?" You question, tilting your head.

"The shoot doesn't start until nine, it's only eight-thirty." The photographer smiles, "We have plenty of time to get you ready then."

You and Cecil share a glance and glare at Camus, whom you were also going to be doing the shoot with. "I told you the time was eight-thirty because I knew at least one of you would sleep in." He explains, uncrossing his arms. "No matter, at least you're both early, get ready, you have less than half an hour."

You curtsy in a mock manner, "Yes, my lord." You say, and laugh at yourself for being funny but Camus glares, then smiles, patting your head. He was more like an older brother than a co-worker, and you were the only exception to mocking him. It had been that way since you met.

You walk away from Camus with Cecil on your heels, his lips pursed. "Is something wrong?" You ask him.

He jumps, "N-no, just thinking about things." He says, looking away.

You shrug, wondering what he was thinking about. You enter your dressing room and see a groom, ready to prepare you.


Walking out of the dressing room in a (F/C) designer dress with a slit going up your right leg, you see Cecil and Camus in similarly colored suits to match. Your (H/L) (H/C) hair has been curled and one strand was in your face a little.

When the two saw you, Cecil blushed and Camus simply smiled, "Y-you look lovely (Y/N)." Cecil stutters.

You laugh a little at his compliment, "Thank you." You walk onto the backdrop to shoot the photos.

"Alright, Miss (L/N) will be in the middle. Camus, could you kneel beside her on her right and hold onto her exposed leg and right hand?" Camus nods and does so, though it feels a little awkward to you. "Perfect, now Mister Aijima, hold her chin and make her look at you while her body is still facing us. There." The position seemed unusual, but it was for a film the three of you were going to be in, so it actually made sense.

You had to do many more photos similar to that one, and when it was all done you sat down in your dressing room, worn out. "Miss (L/N), I didn't think you'd be so exhausted after just that." The groom says, removing my make-up.

"Well, I had to stand in weird positions with two guys hanging on me, what do you expect." I retort, gaining a laugh from her.

She finishes removing the make-up, "Well, I have a strange feeling about you and Mister Aijima. You had a sort of sparkle in your eye when you looked at him." She points out, grabbing your clothes.

"Really?" You question. You blush slightly, wondering how obvious you were. It was a sort of love-at-first-sight deal with you, but you knew he liked Haruka just like the rest of STARISH.

You get up, shaking your head. "Well, I'll leave you to get yourself dressed, you seem to need some time alone." She says with a smile, leaving you alone.


You hear a knock on your door, "(Y/N)?" It's Cecil.

"Come in." You say and he opens the door, a troubled but determined look on his face. He doesn't say anything but instead just walks up to you, "Is something wro-" You were about to question him but your lips were covered before you could finish.

Your eyes are open wide and can see a deep blush on his cheeks. He pulls away and looks away ashamed, "I-I'm sorry, (Y/N), it's just... I hated Camus touching you like he did today during the shoot." He says.

Your mind is racing and you just say the first thing that comes to mind, "I thought you liked Haru..." You blush and look away, feeling like an idiot.

He seems surprised and lifts up your chin, making you look at him. "What gave you that idea?" He asks, looking in your eyes.

"W-well, you always talk to her. A-and all the other STARISH members seem to like her too." You say, trying your best to avoid his gaze.

He giggles, "Not at all. We all respect her, sure, but she's more like a little sister to all of us. If there's someone we all like and silently fight over, it's you." He says, kissing your forehead.

You blush at his words, not sure how to answer. 'I-I..." You can't seem to find the right words...

"I love you, (Y/N)." He says simply, a smile written all over his face.

You tense and then relax, returning the smile and finding the words you wanted to say. "I love you too, Cecil." You cup his face and kiss him, glad your feelings could be let free.


Back at the Master Course, everyone was lounging around, not having anything to do. They look up at the sound of you and Cecil walking in hand-in-hand but you walk right past them and to your room.

"I wonder how they all feel knowing that I got to you first?" He says as the two of you walk down the hall.

You chuckle, "How will Haru feel when she learns of this?"

"I think she'll be happy." He says, squeezing your hand. You smile to yourself and squeeze back.

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