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He grabbed her from waist, leaving the car, she passed smile and he reciprocated. And they marched inside, greeting everyone there.

"Thankyou Sairat for coming", said one of his friend, he again said, "umm will you introduce her". Sairat glanced Nandani and tighten his grip on her waist.

"Someone I met fewer but very special, Nandani Raichand, the advocate", he introduces, busted her heart in every possible way. It may be ordinary but ordinarily special for her.
The friends of his politely grabbed Nandani hand and peck on the back side.

"Welcome to celebration, Miss Raichand", he said winking, Nandani passed small smile.

"If you don't mind Sairat, may I, you can with Riya, if-", he explained.

"No it's alright, I mean yeah sure, if she is okay", Sairat said looking at Nandani. She assured him and went with his friend, but her gaze were on him only. He was standing near the bar stand, sipping the drink and not ready to break gaze with her from far away also. While spinning or falling in his friends arms, her gaze didn't distorted over him. He let chukle by her this desperate and determined side. And she broke finnally because it was her victory over him, won the eye contact game, set her focus on the dance.

"I like your chemistry, miss Nandani, must say you didn't removed your gaze until he approved", Jordan,his friend said. Nandini shyly looked down.

"Are you afraid of loosing him", Jordan questions spinning her again. Noticed her change expression.

"I don't owe him, but yeah will be slightly disturbed and affected", she replied.

"Then you must be aware of his secret", Jordan said, seeking her curious face. She twitched her brows.

"Next time, will sure, but beware and attentive arround him", Jordan said and peaking her hand for the last time and vanished in the crowd, left her dumbfoundly there. Someone patted her shoulder cause her flinch and turn back, Sairat immiditatly grabbed her shoulder, and chukled.

"Relax, it's me, what happened why are you standing here alone, where is Jordan", he questioned glancing arround, Nandani was looking his face, but couldn't get what she has to find and what is meaning of Jordan words.he offered his hand with smile.

"Let's dance, i should be one getting chance first, but it's okay, will you", he politely asked her, she shrugged the thoughts and accepted his hand.


Matching the steps with the each beat, they enjoyed th night with eachother and the crowd arround them.

Nandani pov
It was just infatuation, I can trust him, even if it's more than me. Maybe I depend on him for forever. Is this a love I was looking for. A perfect man with zero male ego, mature calm understanding, who is capable of arousing my sexual desires without doing anything serious. I get week infront of him, but does he feel same for me, or just it's my imagination of a perfect love story. I couldn't help but wonder if Sairat felt the same way about me or I'm creating illusions in my head. Despite the doubt, I couldn't deny the strong connection between us and the way he made me feel alive.

As we danced, I tried to read his expression, searching for any hint of his true feelings. His eyes sparkled with mischief and his smile was infectious. It was as if he knew the effect he had on me and enjoyed every moment of it. But was it more than just enjoying the attention? Did he truly care for me?

The night went on, filled with laughter, dancing, and conversations. Sairat remained by my side, never leaving me alone in the crowd. His gestures, the way he held me closer, made me believe that there was something deeper between us. But sometimes, actions can be deceiving.

I tried to push away the thoughts of doubt and enjoy the moment. After all, love shouldn't be based solely on words or gestures, but on the connection that two people share. And in that moment, I felt a strong connection with Sairat. It was as if we were in sync, our hearts beating to the same rhythm.

As the night drew to a close, Sairat walked me to the car. The silence between us was heavy with unspoken words. I mustered up the courage and finally asked, "Sairat....., i stopped as he looked into my eyes immiditatly, waiting for me to complete. I shurgged my head

"Nothing", i replied, he just smiled and drove to house.......

"My lord we have come up with the medical report of Siddhi Mittal, and we've found that she been on drug from very long days, according to the medical report provided by the doctors and the crossed by forensic department the drugs was injectable buprenorphine", said Ravi giving the the proof to the the man seated down the judge. And he passed it to judge. Nandani eye were totally shock, how he got to know about this, infact she had claimed the report from doctor and it was original copy, and was to show  it on right time.

"Sir the minor had be injected by Mr prateek and his friends, she didn't took any drugs on her own, and she had been kidnapped for fews day, as you all know. And her injured and naked body has been found in the location of Mr. Prateek penthouse area", Nandani defended.

"But hows that proof miss Nandani, that Siddhi hadn't took any drugs, she is six-teen maybe she must have learned abou the drugs from any source and was curious about it, I've showed the proof that she been on drugs and you hided this from everyone, proof that also", Ravi said taking his seat proudly. Suddenly her brain clicked and she went to her bag looking for the paper but it wasn't there. Her eyes widened in shock. She stood in front

"I'm sorry to say my lord, someone stole the proof from my bag, will you give me day to collect the evidence against, I  was came up with the medical report of miss Siddhi but only left with the report of  mr. Prateek used condom, which has the proved the Condom stained with blood of Siddhi and and semen of mr. Prateek", at first it was the victory for Ravi but his his eyes widened along with others, Nandani passed slight smirk.

"You can show the report, we need the proof, if it's true then medical authority will recheck it", said the judge

"But the report has been prepared by the Adam hospital lab specialist", Nandani said making innocent face, and handover the file to the judge. About to give judgement but Ravi intrupted him

"It can be fabricated, my lord, how sudden she found Condom and the blood sample of her client on it, what if she collected the sample of there and arranged on the Condom to proof it", said Ravi defending, Nandani scoffed

"Why would do nasty things, mr. Khanna", nandani scoffed again.

"Because you were in same party as Mr. Prateek few days back on Diwali celebration, remember", Ravi said enlarging, Nandani eyes turn in shock.

Thankyou for reading ❤️

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