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"How's he?" Radhika asked, settling next to Nandani.

"Better than before; he's gradually forgetting about the incident. I'd say he has almost fully recovered," Nandani replied with a calm smile.

"That's good. And what about Sairat?" Radhika asked, but Nandani broke eye contact and returned to her work.

"I'm asking you something. Why are you avoiding everyone for one person?" Radhika pressed.

"He means something to me; I'm his guardian—" Nandani began, but Radhika cut her off.

"Sairat came before him. I understand you want to do your best for Adhvik, but Nandani, you need to learn to balance. You'll lose everyone if you continue neglecting my advice," Radhika said sternly, rising to march away. This left Nandani grappling with deep inner conflict. Just then, her phone rang, and she picked up with a smile.

"Yes, Adhvik! How are you? Did you eat something?" Nandani bombarded him with questions.

"I'm missing you. When will you return?" Adhvik's voice came over the line, filled with longing.

"Soon, bachha—" she hesitated midway, realizing her slip.

"You can call me that," he said, interpreting her pause.

"So, what are you doing now?" Nandani inquired.

"I applied to university," he replied excitedly.

"Okay, did you get any response?" she followed up.

"Not yet, but I'll hear back soon," he assured her. She hummed in acknowledgment.

"Okay, good luck. We'll eat out, so be ready!" Nandani said, and he nodded, though he realized he had only responded with a hum in return.

"Doctor, an emergency case just came in!" Karan barged into Sairat's cabin. He stood up instantly and walked out alongside him.

"A twenty-seven-year-old woman in labor. It needs immediate attention," Karan said. Sairat nodded, and they hurried to the room.After a tense few moments, Sairat finally stepped out, removing his mask with a sigh of relief. The husband and family of the woman approached him anxiously.

"How is she? And the baby?" the husband asked, worried etched across his face.

"You didn't hear any crying?" Sairat frowned, as the man shook his head. Instantly, Sairat raced back into the room, where nurses and junior doctors were frantically trying to revive the baby. Sairat dashed to them, cradling the baby in his hands and began gently rubbing the infant's back.

"Why didn't you inform me?" Sairat said sternly.

"I thought you were tired," one nurse replied defensively. He shot her a glare, and just then, to everyone's relief, the baby began to cry.

"Oh fuck!!" he sighed, feeling the tension ease from his shoulders. He was about to hand the child back to a nurse when the baby clutched his finger, drawing all his attention. Sairat admired the child's delicate features—such a small, fragile body, with an innocent, calm expression.

"She's cute," Karan remarked, glancing at the baby. Sairat looked from the baby to Karan and chuckled, "She."

---Sairat sank back onto the sofa, resting his head and rubbing his temples. Suddenly, hands slipped into his hair, massaging his head. He instinctively shut his eyes and smiled.

"Nandani, you're here!" he exclaimed, sitting up quickly.

"Did you expect someone else?" she teased, guiding him back down to lie on her lap as she resumed massaging his head. He admired her, unwilling to miss a single moment of her presence.

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