Day 21: Shadow

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'How you do that?!' Robbie squealed happily as he watched Dawktrap make a shadow bunny against the wall.

Dawktrap smiled then looked at the shape, 'I can show you if you want?' he asked and chuckled as the zombie child gasped happily.

'Yes please!' the child screeched.

Robbie, Dawktrap and Antisepticeye were in Robbie's room and were making shadow puppets against the wall. Antisepticeye had placed a flashlight on the floor in front of them to help with making the shadows. By now, Robbie was sitting on the green glitch's lap, amused as Dawktrap made various shapes including a T-Rex, a dog and a rabbit.

Dawktrap chuckled, 'Ok!' he said happily, then looked at Anti; he had been quietly watching the two.

'Hey, I bet you can't do a better shadow than me!' the purple ego smugly said, smirking.

Anti blinked, surprised, then smirked too, 'Oh, a challenge I see!' he said excitedly. He then picked Robbie up and gently sat him on the floor, before getting up. The two of them watched him, confused, as he walked up to the wall-

And sank into it!

Dawktrap widened his eyes, shocked, 'what the-?!'

Robbie gasped, shocked too, but then squealed happily and clapped his hands as Anti, himself, turned into a shadow against the wall. Only his eyes and mouth were visible by light, with his mouth resembling a jagged pumpkin mouth.

'I didn't know you could do that!' Dawktrap yelled impressed and excited, and Robbie giggled.

Anti the shadow smiled widely, and the purple ego beamed.

'But that is cheating; you're supposed to make shadows with your hands' the purple ego continued smugly...before facepalming as Anti, still in the wall, made a snapping motion with his hand.

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