001 | Mamma Has To Work

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Fiorella Deluca sat on her bed with her laptop in front of her she was finishing her history homework which she hated, if she could she'd choose to not go to history, it was currently 11am on Saturday morning, she had been doing her homework for a hour, she had done her maths homework and was stuck on her history work.

"Ella, I have to go into work" Carina pulled her daughter's attention away from her laptop.

"Do you have to Mamma?" The teenager signed, she understood her mom's job was important but the last few weeks she'd spent hardly any time with her mom as she'd been working so much. There seemed to be so many pregnant women needing her mom to help them.

"I'm sorry Bambina" Carina spoke to her daughter who sighed,

"dovevi assentarti dal lavoro oggi. sembra che tu lavori sempre ultimamente" Fioella complained in Italian, she may have been fluent in both languages but sometimes she automatically spoke Italian, one of them times were when she was angry, annoyed or frustrated. She wished her mom didn't have to go into work.

"mi dispiace, piccola. mi farò perdonare. lo prometto" Carina apologised to her daughter.

"Bene. posso venire? vedi zio Andrea? se sta lavorando?" Fiorella asked as she asked if she could go with her mom to the hospital, she hoped that her uncle would be working so she could see him, he always cheered her up, it wasn't that she was down in the dumps but the two Italians had planned to spend the afternoon together watching cheesy Rom-coms and having some mother-daughter time.

"okay tesoro, tuo zio sta lavorando, se non è occupato allora puoi vederlo per un po', ma devi fare i compiti, quindi dobbiamo andare via con le tue cose insieme" Carina agreed with her daughter. She knew Andrew wouldn't mind seeing his Neice.

"Yay" Grinned Fiorella as she quickly shut her laptop and grabbed her school bag from the floor. She shoved her laptop into her bag and practically threw herself off her bed to grab her shoes.

"Be careful Elle, we all know how clumsy you are" Carina laughed at her daughter's excitement.

"Sorry Mamma, I just can't wait to see Zio Andrea" the younger Italian giggled. She loved her aunt and her uncle but only really could see her uncle or her Zio which she always called him since it was Italian for uncle.

"I'm ready to go" Fiorella spoke sliding her bag onto her shoulder as she stood up, Carina smiled at her daughter.

"Come on then Bambina let's go" Carina spoke to the 14 year old. Fiorella was a complete Mamma's girl, she always had been seeing as her father wasn't around. The mother and daughter duo headed out of their apartment and to the car.

"Can we put the radio on" Fiorella asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Slow down Elle, I've not even got in the car yet" Carina chuckled as she stood with her car door open.

"But can we" Fiorella grinned watching her mom get into the car. Carina rolled her eyes at her daughter's eagerness but smiled anyway.

"Ovviamente" Carina answered. The mother and daughter duo often spoke to one-another in Italian, although they lived in America Carina still wanted her daughter to know about her heritage and until she was 6 they had lived in Italy.. Fiorella immediately turned the radio on as  Carina started the car.

"Could we get pizza on the way home?" Fiorella asked as the two Italians sat in the car waiting for a traffic light to turn green.

"If you behave and don't call any trouble while at the hospital" carina told her daughter who nodded.

"I'm always good mamma" Fiorella grinned. It was partly true, Fiorella did sometimes get into trouble but not all the time. As the Italian mother and daughter duo spoke Carina's phone rang.

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