003 | Best Friends Make Everything Better

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Sunday had came by and Amelia was currently sat with the Italian teen. Carina, was with Giovanna talking to an oncologist to see if it was Indeed untreatable cancer. The sisters agreed that it wasn't going to be good to tell Fiorella about the cancer until she's discharged and when the whole diagnoses has been confirmed. Carina had informed Amelia why she couldn't sit with Fiorella for a few hours and Amelia said she would sit with the teen who she saw as a niece.

"So are you happy that your Zia is here?" Amelia asked the quiet teen who was bored out of her mind but she was also curious to why her Mamma and Zia were both currently busy. She didn't think her Mamma was working or if her Zia was okay so she just ignored the thoughts on her mind.

"Sì but I would be happier if I could go home. I'm getting too bored here" Fiorella signed to the neurosurgeon sat in the chair beside her bed.

"I know kiddo but you aren't strong enough. Give it another day or two and I'll come again and do another neuro check on you and then all being good I'll talk to Alex and get you discharged Wednesday. I don't want you going back to cheerleading or soccer for another week or so after that though" Amelia said to the teen who sighed.

"Va Bene Auntie Amelia" Fiorella nodded. It was better than having to stay in the hospital for another her few weeks.

"How are you getting on with your school work?" Amelia asked the teen.

"It's hard when you're not at school so you can't ask your teachers about your work. I even struggle with with my homework sometimes" Fiorella shrugged. She was currently stuck on her biology homework and school work.

"What are you currently stuck on? Maybe I could help you?" Amelia asked the teenager.

"Currently biology. Probably my worst subject" Fiorella complained. She needed to get better at biology. Chemistry, Physics and maths was better for her, she knew that she needed to be better at biology if she wanted to become a doctor which she honestly was worried she wouldn't be able to do.

"What are you learning in the subject?" Amelia asked.

"The life cycle. I don't actually understand if it's the life cycle of a human or an animal which I guess would both be the same but I'm not actually sure" Fiorella admitted.

"Okay how about we go for a walk. Get you out of this room, we can go outside for some fresh air and then when we get back I'll help you with the work." Amelia offered the teen who smiled.

"Can I walk" fiorella smirked already knowing the answer.

"Nice try kiddo" Amelia laughed

"It was worth a shot" Fiorella shrugged. Amelia went to grab a wheelchair and she parked it beside Fiorella's bed.

"We should leave Mamma a note. I don't want her thinking I've done a runner if she comes back while I'm with you" Fiorella spoke as she realised that her mom would worry.

"That would be a good idea, especially since her phone is right there" Amelia spoke as she saw the older Italians phone sat on the table, it had just lit up with a text too which Fiorella saw was from someone called 'Maya' Fiorella was curious who that Maya person was but she shrugged it off.

"Trust Mamma to forget her phone, it's normally always with her when she's not with me" Fiorella laughed lightly. The Italian teen grabbed her phone from the end of the bed and held it in her lap as she sat in the wheelchair.

"Auntie Amelia could you possibly hand me my jacket. If we're going outside I'm going to be colder than I already am" Fiorella admitted, she hasn't really told anyone that she was cold, she just cuddled up under the thin covers. Amelia grabbed the purple jacket which was folded up by the window where Carina had placed it

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