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Bright lights danced across the audience and stage. The soft guitar began to build louder as my anticipation to rise.

"Break it up give it to me come on" Janet's voice echoed as the crowd of people voice grew louder.

The sound of drums beating appeared next as I felt Eissa pulling on my arm. Looking down I could see him jumping while he held my arm. A smile grew on my face watching his excitement grow to the sound of the drums.

The sound of girls screaming like a mad woman from the crowd caused me to look at the stage. Janet was standing there, she had everyone's attention just standing. Her presence was enough to make the crowd explode with emotions.

 Her presence was enough to make the crowd explode with emotions

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"Do you like my style?"

She began singing barley above a whisper, at the same time her voice was captivating. It was beautiful and attention grabbing. Story had a dazed stare watching her mother in awe. She stayed on her feet the whole night watching Janet.

Eissa kept playing the air drums every other five minutes. I really found my enjoyment in watching the kids having a good time.

"You might think I'm crazy but I'm serious..." Story sung along to her favorite songs. I had to pull out my phone to record her.

She immediately stopped singing to the sight of my flash on the camera. "STOP IT" she yelled covering her mouth with her right hand.

Laughter took over my body watching her blush. "Ok Story I'll stop it" I said putting my arm around her.

By the end of the show the kids ran backstage as I trailed along taking my sweet time. By the time I caught up they were already squeezing Janet. Both of them stood by each side of her as she wrapped each arm around her.

"Mom that was awesome" he spoke in his giddy voice.

"You were too good" Story gleamed.

Janet looked up from the kids lifting her head towards me. She wore a big toothless smile on her face. I got closer to her, she never broke eye contact. Before I could speak one of her dancers ran in my way. He stood between Janet and I facing her.

I stared into the back of his head wanting to tear it off. I swear I could feel steam blowing from my ears. "Hey Story did you like the show" he questioned her.

She lifted her head smiling at the boy while keeping her arm around Janet. "It was awesome" she dragged her words in a cheery tone. "Mom was amazing and so were you Denzy" she said.

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