The spill....[2]

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I woke up feeling very hungry.

"Why didn't I eat before going to bed last night" I groaned and got up to do my morning and go to school.

"I don't want to go to school but at least it's friday and I can just watch some kdramas with some snacks when I get home"
I smiled at the thought of relaxing after an awful week.

After I finished getting ready I made breakfast and left for school.
As I was walking, I was deep in thought when I suddenly bumped into someone, making me fall on the ground 'why always the ground'

I quickly got up and looked at the person and it was.........

I was apologizing countless amounts of times

(Btw Taehyung's uniform, I tried to find one that matched the girl' uniforms and this was the best I could find.
If you don't like it then think of any uniform you want)

 If you don't like it then think of any uniform you want)

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" I-I'm so so-sorry Taeh-hyung. I'm so sor-ry, I really d-didn't me-mean to bu-bump into you"

"Ughh, now I've got all this coffee on me"
He scoffed, "can't you look where you're going!"

"First I get assigned a seat beside you and now you bump into me and make me spill my coffee!"

"I'm really sorry, is there anything I can do to make up for it? "

"No just get out of my face and stay away from me!"
And with that he just walked away leaving me. I sighed and continued walking to school.

Once I reached, I walked to my locker and took my books, surprisingly I wasn't met by Jason, so I just shrugged it off and thought to make the best of it.
I walked to my class, and it was history, I went in and sat on my seat. Couple seconds later, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung entered the class and sat in their seats. As Taehyung went to sit on his, he didn't even spare a glance at me and had the coldest face ever.
As class went by, I kept thinking of a way to make up for the coffee accident that happend. I really don't wanna be on his bad side, their the most popular kids in the whole school and even outside of school. Bangtan's parents own very big companies in Korea and all of them are extremely rich and famous.

So yeah, now you see why I don't wanna be on their bad side. They could literally do anything to me with their money if I did something that would upset them.

I was in deep thought and suddenly the bell rang, I quickly gathered my stuff and I went to my class. While walking, I got an idea
'I can maybe get him some chocolate and candies'. I excitedly went to class while sighing.
'Since I'll get him some chocolates and candies, maybe he might forgive me and I won't get punished or beaten up'

(Look you may be thinking that this is childish and not that good of an idea but look not everyone is as rich as bangtan and this is just a gift to say sorry, so it's alright 😒🙄)

I went to class but was very confused

'Where's Jason? Why hasn't he attacked me yet? OMG, is he planning something big?!'


'But I don't have enough money for a coffin, I should already be saving up if I want a real funeral'

'No, no no, he's probably at home because his sick'

'Yeah yeah, that's it, I gotta stop thinking about it'

I went to my class and sat on my seat, even though I made myself believe that Jason was at home, I was still on full alert and looking around everywhere, just to make sure.

◦•●◉✿ ✿◉●•◦

The day went by and I had finished school, so I decided to go to a store near by and get the gift for Taehyung.
But since it's friday I'll have to give it on Monday 'oh well'
I got the chocolates and candies, I also got a creme for my bruises, and I went to the cashier to pay for it.
I had used the little money I had to buy fancy chocolates and a box of candy.

'I am officially broke 😐'

*imagine just one box of candies

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*imagine just one box of candies

While he was scanning the items, something caught my eye outside the store

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While he was scanning the items, something caught my eye outside the store. It was Bangtan walking and laughing outside the store, except for Taehyung of course, he wasn't laughing but just talking with Jimin.

'This is my chance to give him the gift and maybe he might forgive me'

I quickly got the items and rushed outside the store and there, was Bangtan looking at me with a confused expression

'Wish me luck and pray for me that make it back home fast enough to not miss my kdrama😭'



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Meme (credits to orginal creator)

Meme (credits to orginal creator)

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