I jump out of the car and look with sparkling eyes at the inside of the place filled with tons of games and yelling. I feel a figure approach me as I'm still staring at the inside.Just then I look to see the figure only to find Taehyung also look inside the arcade with a smile. My face immediately blushes remembering the events from a couple of hours ago. I try not to look back at him and so I turn around to see where the others are.
"Hey wait up! You guys ran off without us" Jungkook runs up to us with a pouty face to which my eyes soften.
"You're here now. Let's go" Jungkook and I were about to walk in when a figure jumps on my back causing me to almost fall back.
"Y-yah! What the heck Jimin!"
"Sorry but you weren't waiting for us" Jimin gets of my back and I send a glare in his direction. Soon the others also approach us and we head inside.
As I enter, I look around letting out a squeal once all the games come into view and the loud yelling of people could be heard all around the arcade.
"So which game do we start with?" I come out of my trance when I hear Jungkook yell. We all look around until we hear Taehyung point towards one race car VR game as we all smile and nod our heads.
We went to get our tokens before going up to the game and to our surprise there was no ligne so we all sat in an individual seat and started the game. We are all playing against each other, it's everyone for them selves.
The cars started and we took off in full speed with me being in third place behind Jimin and Taehyung. I raced my car further and was neck-in-neck to Jimin almost taking the second place spot. It stayed like that for a little while until Jimin didn't see the sudden bridge which he crashed into making me second place right behind Taehyung.
"Y/n you better move cuz I'm about to take your spot" I heard Hoseok yell distracting me and making me not see the sudden tree that pawned out of nowhere and crash into it.
I groan and start the car back but now being behind all the boys in last place. I catch up my speed as fast as I can and past Yoongi Namjoon and Jin. Now being behind Jungkook and Jimin I bump into the back of Jungkook's car and try to push him, as a result he ends up flying across the road and into the grass.
I smirk under the headset and speed up even more passing Jimin again and now right behind Taehyung. We see the finish ligne at the very end as I gulp and stay concentrated. Gathering as much speed I reach Taehyung as we are both going in full speed right next to each other.
I start putting more and more pressure on the accelerator and close my eyes as we both reach the finish and I jump when we hear the victory sound on all the screens.
I pull of my headset immediately and look up to see 1st place written on the screen as I jump and let out a victory yell. The others look at my screen and smile watching me doing a victory dance.
"I won! I won! I won I won I won...."
"Wow you were really good even after crashing and being in last place, you still managed to win" I heard Namjoon say as he approached me with a smile which I also returned with an excited look and sparkling eyes.
"Wow I'm impressed you're really good" Taehyung came up to me and spoke in his deep husky voice as I nervously looked up at him and smiled.
"Alright so let's go to another one. Ooo how bout that one" Jungkook chirped from behind me and pointed to another crazy shooting game as we all agreed and followed him.

Fanfiction"You thought it was the end but it just began" Said the person with a smirk while looking out at the girl who bumped into the boy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't be here anymore it's not safe for him...