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"Aish! I'm coming" I yelled while running towards the door and opening it.
"Yah! Do you know how long I've been standing out here!?" Jimin yelled as soon as I came face to face with him, clearly annoyed by my tardiness. I just rolled my eyes before fully stepping out of the house and locking it. "I'm here now. Let's go, the others are probably waiting for us." I said walking towards their car, followed by a pouting Jimin.I got in the car and sat in my usual seat, greeting the others "Hey guys. Sorry for being late" I said giving them a smile to which they all greeted back with smiles as well. "It's alright but let's go now if we want to be able to arrive there." Jin said starting the car. I sit back, sitting comfortably and closing my eyes while keeping my hands behind my head.
I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder so I opened my eyes to find Taehyung. I was a bit shocked. "What happened to your cheek?" He asked. I nervously tried to think of an excuse. "Uhh..I......I accidentally got hurt this morning" my lies are getting worse day by day.
He looked like he wasn't convinced but just nodded. I secretly let out a sigh of relief. The rest of the car ride was filled with a ton of laughs and yelling.
Once we reached, I excitedly got out the car and squealed from excitement. "Let's get the fun started~ " Jungkook also came out and yelled making the others also get out happily. Taehyung was the last to come out but today I decided to have some fun with him. We enter and looked in amazement at all the cool scary rides and rollercoasters.
We started heading towards the first rollercoaster and stood in line but I noticed Taehyung not coming which made me confused. "Hey why isn't Taehyung coming?" I asked Yoongi since he was the only one next to me. He seemed a bit shocked maybe because I never really have talked to him.
"Well I'm not sure. You go ask him if you want" he answered. I rolled my eyes at his attitude "typical" I mumbled. "What was that?" Yoongi asked with a warning tone. "N-nothing" wow, he's scary.
I secretly left the line and walked towards the bench Taehyung was sitting at. As soon as he saw me he looked confused. "What are you doing here? Why aren't coming?" I asked. His face seemed to go back to a cold look. "I'm not in the mood to go on any rollercoasters" he blankly responded.
I was about to leave when I remembered what I had said earlier 'I'm gonna try to have some fun with him and make sure he also does. Today is the day I stop this awkward tension between us' I turned back towards him and crossed my arms. "Come on all the others are going too" I said. "Look Y/n I don't want to go"
"I'm not taking no for an answer come on" without realizing I bluntly grabbed his arm and dragged him with me to the line. "Y/n let go. I don't want to go" he said to let go but I held him tightly, determined for him to stop this cold act and have fun with him and the others.
We arrived in the line, and Taehyung still didn't stop rambling and trying to get out of my grip. When I had enough, I decided to yell at him "Taehyung! Enough! Why don't you want to go?"
"I already told you! I'm not in the mood!" He answered. I know very well that isn't the reason. Could it be 'he's afraid?' It was a possibility. "Taehyung." I calmly called him "are you afraid of heights?" It looked like he was hesitanting. "O-Of course not." He answered back, a bit too quickly. "Taehyung don't lie to me, you can tell me" I assured him calmly.
"Alright fine. Yes. Yes I'm afraid. There happy" he said seeming a bit embarrassed and mad. I let out a sigh with a smile "is that all. Don't worry I'll be here let's go it'll be fun" before he could speak I dragged him to the others and they looked shocked seeing us two together, after so long. I could see a pout appear on Taehyung's face and it looked so cute. After a bit of waiting it was finally our turn.

Fanfiction"You thought it was the end but it just began" Said the person with a smirk while looking out at the girl who bumped into the boy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't be here anymore it's not safe for him...