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I woke and felt a lot of pain on my stomach, and that's when I remembered that I didn't have my bruise creme with me so I couldn't put it on.
It hurts so freakin BAD!

I sat up and looked around the room and then I realized I wasn't in my room. I was in Bangtan's house. 'Oh yeah I completely forgot about the fact that I stayed overnight at their house'

I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When I entered, there was a new toothbrush, a towel, a hair brush and some clothes. 'They were definitely one of the boys' '. I smiled at their thoughtfulness.

I quickly took a quick shower and changed into the clothes that were already there for me.

(Something like this idk 😒)

I went down stairs and saw Jin in the kitchen probably making breakfast

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I went down stairs and saw Jin in the kitchen probably making breakfast. I decided to help him since he was alone and I wanted to help.

I approached him and saw that he was mixing some batter.

"Hey good morning" I peeked behind him making him flinch and turn around. As soon as he saw me he gave me a smile.
"Oh hey, you scared me! Don't ever do that again! And good morning, I see your wearing the clothes we gave you. You look cute in them."

I chuckled at him being scarred.

"Thanks, so wacha making le me help" I said while grabbing an appron that I saw on the chair and wrapping it around me then walking back to Jin.

"Oh I'm making crepes and sure you can help besides I could use some help and since your the first and only person to ask to help me, I won't say no." Jin said with a smile and handed me the bowl and told me what was left to add.

Oh and just to tell you, no one was still up, it was only me and Jin. I figured that since I saw no one but Jin in the kitchen.

While I was flipping the crepes on the pan, we heard someone behind us so we turned around only to see a sleepy Jimin rubbing his left eye with his messy hair. I guess he just woke up, and he looked so cute.

"Hey guys, you makin breakfast? Great I'm starving." With that he comfortably placed himself on one the chairs and sat down. I rolled my eyes at him and focused my attention back to the crepes on pan.

Suddenly we hear a loud thud, so me and Jin immediately look at where the sound came from only to see the same Jimin now on the ground rubbing his butt and the chair tipped over.

"Uhhhgg, my poor beautiful butt!" He groaned and slowly got up. I burst out laughing looking at him.
He looked at me with an annoyed expression before giving a big huff.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me *British accent*. I got hurt! " he said with a big pout and I just laughed even harder, practically in tears at this point.

I slowly calmed down and looked over at Jin who was holding his knees and literally cackling. That just made me laugh even more.
Jimin then stomped out of the kitchen with big heavy steps and plopped on the couch while crossing his hands with a pout.

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