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Andrea Queen was punching the bag that was in front of her now, in the basement of her specifically chosen, rather unassuming house that she had bought for this reason.

A knock came at her door and at the surprisingly loud sound, Andrea raised her eyebrows at the sound. "Tommy, you home?" She called out.

"I'll get the door!" Her housemate called back and Andrea shrugged a little bit at the words as she was unwrapping the bandages around her hands.

After she was putting the bandages into a neat roll onto the desk, she walked up the stairs to the kitchen. "Who is..." Andrea glared at the familiar bald head that was standing in her kitchen, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "What the hell do you want?"

"Is that really the way to greet your old friend?" Lex Luthor asked and Andrea was glaring at him, before she was looking over her shoulder at Tommy Michaelson, who had let him into the house. "Who are you?"

"Judging by Andrea's reaction to your presence alone?" Tommy shrugged simply at the words. "I am somebody who is undoubtedly ready now, to show you the door at any given moment." He said calmly and Lex nodded.

"Good to know." Lex replied and Tommy nodded slightly, but there was no respect in his eyes. It was just suspicion that met his gaze now, judging the character that stood in front of him. "Can we talk?" He asked as Andrea shrugged.

"That depends on how fast you get the hell out of my way, so that I can get to the coffee pot behind you." Andrea replied and Lex moved to the side, so that Andrea could get herself a mug and coffee. "Tommy, you are late for work." Andrea reminded him.

"I'll grab groceries while I'm out." Tommy answered as he grabbed his jacket, before he was leaving the house quickly.

"You never seemed to like small, country towns the last time I saw you." Lex said and she looked over at him, shaking her head.

"I didn't want to take over Queen Industries... So, I left Starling City. I left the running of the company to Oliver, I went to school and then, I decided to carve out my own path." Andrea moved her arms in a sweeping gesture to indicate the house at large. "So, what brings you to this quiet town where you lost your head of hair?" She asked and Lex scoffed.

"I should have known better than to think that you had lost your barbed tongue." Lex noted and she was shaking her head. "You have too much of your brother's influence for that, don't you?" He asked.

"If you are really now asking me that question, Lex Luthor, then you already know the answer." She said and now, he nodded quickly. "Now get the hell out of here, Lex, I need to get to work." She said and he was leaving the house quickly, as she was shaking her head and now, she was shutting the door behind him.

Andrea locked it and swiftly, she was picking up the phone and dialing a familiar number. "Hey Mrs. Kent, I'm sorry, but I am going to be late today. Is it all right if I get there when Clark leaves, I woke up late."

"It's no problem, Andrea. We have got it covered for the next bit of time. So, if you could just get here when you can. I do really appreciate the honesty." Martha spoke on the other line. "Jonathan, it is Andrea. She is just going to be a bit late today."

"Hey Andrea!" Clark called out to her very loudly from the background as Andrea was chuckling.

"Clark, you had better get your ass on that bus before it leaves today or I'll whoop your ass." Andrea replied with a laugh.

"Mom and Dad won't let you." Clark didn't sound completely certain about that and at the moment, Andrea could hear Martha and Jonathan Kent both chuckling in the back.

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