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Andrea was looking at the checkbook that was sitting on top of her bag, it was her old chequebook and she sighed softly.

"Hey Clark." She said as he looked over at her. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Andrea asked as Clark followed her for a minute. "I can quit my job here, I can give you guys more money to spare." She said and Clark sighed quietly.

"Mom doesn't want you to leave, Andrea. She thinks of you like a daughter." Clark said and Andrea sighed, lowering her head at the words as she was nodding.

"Okay, then can I at least give your family some money to help out?" Andrea asked and he scoffed.

"You work on a farm, Andrea Janet..."

"Andrea Queen." Andrea corrected him and he looked down at her now, with some clear surprise on his face.

"I'm sorry, what?" Clark asked.

"My real name is Andrea Janet Queen." She sighed. "But I go by Andrea Janet, because I didn't want you guys to treat me differently. Actually, I didn't want anybody to treat me differently." Andrea admitted and Clark's jaw had dropped.

"You're the little sister of that guy, who runs Queen Industries?" Clark asked and Andrea's eyes flashed briefly with amusement at the words and she nodded.

"Oliver Queen is my older brother, yes." She said and Clark tilted his head to study her as she lifted her eyebrows. "What is it?"

"Is that how Lex seemed to know you right away?" Clark asked. "He always seemed to know where you were, he always seems to be able to know when to leave you alone and if you need help." Clark pointed out as Andrea chuckled.

"I kept him away from my brother to the best of my abilities, when those two idiots were in high school together. I think that he may have actually chosen to take over the so-called "big brother" role in my life when my brother Oliver just kind of... Didn't seem to give a shit anymore." Andrea stated as she shrugged. "But I can assure you, that I was as surprised as anybody, when he suddenly just showed up in Smallville." She said.

"65,201." Clark stated and at the seemingly random number, Andrea swiftly raised her eyebrows and Clark sighed. "The amount that my parents owe. With interest, it is $65,201." He said and Andrea sighed softly at the words, before she was nodding.

"A cheque for $65,400. Coming right up for your family." Andrea replied and Clark was smiling at her, before she sighed. "Now go and get your ass to the bus!" She said and he was laughing at her, before she was pushing him over to the bus stop.

Clark waved at her quickly, before he was getting onto the bus with Chloe and Pete as the bus pulled away from the stop.

Andrea wrote the cheque out really quickly for the Kents just before she was now taking over the wood chopping for Martha, who looked like she was tired.

Andrea's work phone rang out and she flipped it open quickly, picking it up as she rolled her eyes. "What?" She asked grumpily and Lex's laughter came from the other end of the line.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Lex asked teasingly and she put down the axe, walking over to her truck.

"No actually, I woke up on the floor." She replied as Lex's silence was clear confusion and she sighed. "Tommy got two new Beagle puppies and they have been wrecking chaos and also, a whole shit ton of havoc, around the house." Andrea said as she was sitting in the driver's seat of the truck. "So, what is the problem now?" She asked.

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