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Tommy had never really understood Andrea's constant need to exercise every day of every week, training and fighting almost nonstop against herself.

Tommy, he was especially confused about her extreme weapons training that seemed to constantly be her way of controlling her life. One day, it would be guns with him and then the next day, it would be her training with a bo-staff.

But, no matter what, she would always circle back around to her favorite weapon, a modified compound bow and a quiver full of arrows. That she either kept on her back or on her hip depending entirely on account of her feelings, on any given day.

"Hey Drea, I have got some..." The tray of food in Tommy's hand hit the floor, as an arrow hit the wall next to him and he felt a sudden flash of pain in his ear. Tommy reached up a hand, feeling blood and he looked at the arrow. It had nicked his ear and Andrea gasped, putting the bow down at the sight of him.

"Tommy, I'm sorry!" She said as she ran to him, turning his head towards her quickly to examine his ear. "I am so sorry!" She cried and Tommy was shaking his head at the words.

"Andrea Janet Queen!" Tommy swiftly interrupted her constant apologizing and Andrea suddenly lifted her eyebrows at the words in surprise. "I am going to be okay, I am not going to die from a bloody ear. Trust me as the trained EMT in the house here. All right?" Tommy asked as silently, a bit taken aback at his light-hearted tone of voice that she hadn't been expecting, Andrea was just nodding at the words.

"I'm still sorry." Andrea stated as Tommy was smiling a little. "Now... Could I, at least make you breakfast?" She asked and he was shaking his head.

"No, because I already ate." Tommy replied and Andrea looked frustrated. "But you can definitely tell me what the heck, that the deal is, between you and Lex Luthor." He stated and at the words, Andrea sighed. "If you really don't want to tell me, then you don't have to."

"Lex was friends with my older brother Oliver when we were all younger. I'm six years younger and when my parents died, I was six years old and my brother was twelve..." Andrea remembered. "Actually, the two of them are the same age." She recalled.

"Anyways... They were friends when we were all younger, but when they met up again in high school... Well, Oliver had definitely changed." Andrea admitted and she was shaking her head. "We never really had any good role models growing up, after our parents died so we took what we could get and we kind of just... Well, to put it bluntly, we winged the rest." She said and scoffed. "My brother... He bullied Lex and one of his less popular friends to the point of Lex wanting to get into the "In-Crowd" so bad, that one of his friends got caught in the crossfire." Andrea noted.

"So, what happened to the friend?" Tommy asked and Andrea shook her head silently at the words.

"I don't know." She admitted. "Oliver never told me and... When he disappeared into the party life, that was when I moved here." She said as Tommy nodded silently. "I should try and talk to him one of these days, but... I am afraid, that he won't want to." She admitted.

"Well, there is only one way to find out." He said and she nodded. "Now I know that it is your day off... But, did you want to come to the farmers market with me?" Tommy asked and she smiled at him.

"Well, you can't carry all of the boxes into the house by yourself!" Andrea pointed out with a teasing tone in her voice and Tommy was rolling his eyes as they were walking to the truck.

After Andrea had gone back up to her room real quickly to grab her trusty, old navy blue jean jacket that she had gotten from Oliver when they were younger.

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