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Andrea was curled up in a ball under her covers, silently thinking and now she was still being bothered by what had happened a few days ago.

Andrea knew that with Clark rapidly weakening, she didn't have a choice but to kill Greg. Or at least, that was what she was trying to convince herself to believe.

Not to mention that Tommy's words had really gotten to her that night, they all kept ringing through her mind.

"Would Oliver agree?"

"What would your parents think, of all this secrecy?"

The words kept running through her mind and Andrea sighed quietly, throwing off the covers in frustration as she was moving to sit on the edge of her bed.

"What would they think?" Andrea murmured quietly, now finding herself wondering. Andrea looked into her closet where the super suit and stuff was, before she looked out into their backyard, where her motorcycle was waiting in the second garage that she and Tommy had together, they had built almost three years ago now.

Andrea sighed and she was shaking her head swiftly, finally grabbing her clothes for her other new job, which was tech support and security at LutherCorp. As well as running Lex's new advanced camera and security system.

Andrea was grabbing her headphones and her iPod and she was walking out to where her motorcycle was. "I thought that the motorcycle was just for your endeavors that nobody else knows about." Tommy spoke up from behind her and Andrea looked over at him.

"I'm not going to use the same one, T." She stated and she was swiftly bringing out the newer emerald-green and black motorcycle with small amber-gold accents around the wheels.

"You are going to need a bigger vehicle, if you're headed to Lex's place with that bag. It is huge." Tommy nodded at the sight of the huge bag of electronics and advanced tech, that was all designed to fit together into an alarm system. "Take the truck, I'm off today anyways." He said and he swiftly tossed the keys to her.

Andrea caught them and she recognized guilt in his eyes, but she didn't draw much attention to it and she was now just lifting the bag up and taking it over to the truck.

She put it into the passenger seat on the other side, before she shut the door and hopped into the driver's side.

Andrea drove off swiftly without saying anything to Tommy, who sighed quietly and reluctantly now, he was recognizing that he had hurt her feelings. "Bantha shit." Tommy muttered, using the very familiar Star Wars phrase as now, he was swiftly walking back into the house.

Andrea buzzed the gate quickly and when she didn't get a response, she was punching in the same code that Lex had done and the gate was opening for her. Andrea got back into the truck and she was driving through the gate. "Lex, you home?" She asked as she was walking into the house with a massive bag of tech across her body.

When she heard footsteps behind her, she put the bag down as gently as she could and she spun around.

Someone with a fencing sword was coming at her fast and Andrea's eyes flashed, as she was ducking and dodging to get out of the way, barely avoiding the fencing sword.

Andrea spotted one on the ground and she feinted one way, before she swiftly dove the other way, executing a shoulder roll to grab the sword.

Andrea came up on her feet as the swords were clinking together quickly. They went back and forth, until Andrea switched hands mid-fight and she caught the other sword in her spare hand.

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