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Justin Hartley - Oliver Queen

Andrea, Clark, Jonathan, and Martha were all sitting in the Kents' kitchen, with Andrea eagerly drinking coffee directly from the coffee pot and eating apples that she had cut swiftly into slices.

Martha is reading a newspaper with the headline "Lex Luthor Robs Bank" and at the title, Andrea choked and Clark gently hit her between the shoulder blades. Andrea spat out the small apple piece and she looked at the headline. "Lex wasn't even in Smallville during this." Andrea mumbled around another apple slice, a slightly smaller one this time.

"This is incredible. Why would Lex Luthor, need to rob a bank?" Martha asked and Andrea was shaking her head at the words.

"Well, I've seen some strange things in my day, but this definitely takes the cake." The Kent patriarch looked over at Clark. "Well, almost." Jonathan stated.

"He got away with 100,000 dollars." Martha read from the paper.

"I know Lex. It wasn't him." Clark interrupted his parents and their musing as Andrea was shaking her head.

"Was anyone listening to me?" She asked bluntly, since she knew where he had been but apparently they were going to continue their own conversation.

Jonathan was pouring coffee into his mug and he refilled Andrea's as he did. "Clark, I know that he's a friend of yours, but come on. You saw him with your own eyes." He said.

"I don't know what I saw. Not for sure anyways." Clark protested as Andrea was half-asleep with her head on the table and she had been up late talking to Oliver last night.

"There must be some kind of reasonable explanation for this. I hope." Martha said as she folded up the newspaper.

"Lex was in Metropolis at the time of the robbery." Andrea mumbled into the table, but was still speaking loudly enough for everybody to hear.

"Me too." Andrea looked up at Lex's voice being heard by everyone and now, he was speaking through the screen door. "I'd hate to think I have an evil twin."

Martha looked up in surprise, and now her head turned towards the screen door. "Lex, we didn't hear you pull up." She said with surprise in her tone.

"May I come in? I promise I'm not packing heat." Lex asked as he was even holding up his arms as proof, while Andrea was pinching her arm harder now to keep herself awake, since the lack of sleep was finally catching up to her.

Clark being ever the tactful human being or, well, whatever he is was the first person to ask an awkward question. "Lex, how come you're not in jail?" He asked and Andrea was staring at him, wondering if Clark had missed what she had said.

Lex chuckled humorlessly at the question from Clark. "Because I was hosting a reception for 200 fertilizer distributors in Metropolis at the time of the robbery." Lex explained.

"I told you three, that he was actually out of town." Andrea pointed out to all three of the Kents, as she was lifting her eyebrows and Jonathan stared at her, before he was turning to Lex.

"Do the police have any leads?" Jonathan asked, clearly resolving to ask her questions about it later.

"None. That's why I wanted to talk to you, Clark. Your name was on the witness list. Did you actually see this person?" Lex asked and Clark looked at him, nodding quickly.

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