chapter 4

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All the six boys with some other scientists were present inside the room while the little rabbit was placed inside the big glass wall .

Taehyung : hyung can we just please stop this experiment , Please hyung . He pleaded them but they just ignored it .
Bogum : come on tae it's just a rabbit.
Taehyung : shut up hyung what if something happened to him huh ! He said to bogum while glaring at him.
Yoongi : stop it tae! And Lee won you may start.  He ordered

Lee won nodded and turn the machine on which causes a light stream to fall on that little poor rabbit who squeald and looked at taehyung with his teary doe eyes more likely pleading taehyung to save him .

Taehyung was not able to see that as he hurriedly went to yoongi and started to request him to stop the experiment .

Taehyung : hyung please can you stop it hyung please i request you hyung . Tae was requesting yoongi to stop the experiment while having some tears in his eyes which melted yoongi .
Yoongi : ok fine but it's for today only but from next time i'll not really stop. He said and stoped Lee won who was
About to give another electric shock to the little rabbit .

As the experiment was cancelled for today everyone went out of the room . While taehyung hurriedly ran inside the glass wall and quickly took the rabbit in his arms and hug him securely. While the little rabbit snuggled into tae's chest to feel his warmness and Taehyung started caress the shivering rabbit in his arms.


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