chapter 6

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It was 7 in the morning , taehyung was still sleeping with the rabbit beside him who was just staring at tae 's face with his big dark doe eyes . After some minutes of staring at him the rabbit snuggled into tae's neck taking his scent and warmness , which tickled tae as he started to woke up,  in no time the rabbit was in tae's safe embrace his face was being showered by lots of kisses from the beautiful male.

Tae : morning bunbun . He said smiling and caressing the little rabbit who purred and snuggled more into tae's chest.

Tae : ok so now, let me get ready ok . He said in low voice as he was sad cause he knew that today he won't be able to save the little life.

Taehyung maded his bed and gently put it the Bunny on it and went  towards the bathroom to have shower.

After twenty minutes later,

Taehyung was finally out of the washroom wearing his clothes , he maded his towards his makeup table did a bit of touch up and left his room wearing his coat  bag and with the rabbit in his arms .

After a while later,

             Taehyung was done eating his breakfast and was doing the dishes while taking glances at the bunny time to time .

When tae was done doing the dishes he quickly picked his things up along with the rabbit and leaved the house after locking it properly.

Half an hour later. Taehyung was finally in the laboratory with his friend yoongi jimin jin namjoon and j hope. They all were talking until bogum came

Bogum : I guess we should , everything is prepared sir .

Yoongi and namjoon: hmmm..... We will be in five minutes.

Taehyung was feeling very uneasy . He was getting very Negative feelings about the experiment.

Taehyung: Hyung - he was cut off by yoongi.

Yoongi : I already told you yesterday that we will not stop the experiment. He said in his deep voice.

Taehyung : Hyung please listen to me -

Namjoon : yoongi is right tae we are not going to stop you better come inside the room . He said and they all walked inside   the room.

Taehyung sighed and picked the rabbit up went inside following his Hyungs.

As taehyung went inside he was welcomed by a sight of j hope who looked at tae with sad eyes feeling bad for the little rabbit.

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