chapter 7

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Heoseok carried the rabbit in his arms who whimpered at the loss of warmness. Heoseok took the rabbit Inside and gave some injection to the rabbit who was whimpering and squealing loudly , while looking at tae with his teary doe eyes .

Taehyung looked at the rabbit 's eyes and then looked away not being able to see the condition of the bunny. Jimin went towards taehyung patted his shoulder comforting him by that tae smiled a bit.

As heoseok was done he came out of the glass wall while the was still at taehyung so , that he can safe him but unfortunately....... Tae didn't even looked at the rabbit.

Yoongi told lee won to start the machine and lee won quickly followed his order and started the machine and a stream falled on the rabbit who squealed , taehyung immediately went out of the room and a tear escaped his beautiful eyes.

After a while later when tae didn't heard any noise coming from the room he went inside and the little little rabbit breathing slowly.

Tae widen his eyes and quickly ran towards the glass wall and then towards yoongi.

Tae : Hyung please i beg you stop this experiment. Can't you see that poor being is going to die, Hyung please. He pleaded.

Yoongi looked at him with emotionless face.

Lee won : Hyung shall I gave him another shock . He asked while looking at the rabbit.

Yoongi: you may.

Lee won gave another shock to the poor little rabbit whose eyes were closed and his breathing were becoming even more slower.

Jimin : yoongi stop it ! Look at his heart pulse.

He showed him his tab which showed the ratings of the rabbits pulse which then becomed zero and the line went straight. Jimin widen his eyes which made panick and he quickly snatched the tab from jimins hand and broke into tears after watching the line which was now straight.
Until they heard a scary growl coming from the rabbit and ...............


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