I just wanna escape

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Hey guys!!!
How are you all!???
Did you miss me???

Hope you all doing good...

Sorry, I'm buzy these days with my sessionals,

But here I'm with a new update😃

Pls don't kill me, I just write whatever came in my mind🥴

I just feel the urge to distract myself and let things out

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I Just Wanna Escape

Life's love is so hurtful

it drowns me in beneath,

it cuts me so deeply leaves

me finding oxygen.

My skin has no color,

my appearance has no life.

I wish I can escape

become nonexistent to  life.

I just wanna run

leave life scribbling,

leave life hoping that I'll

return back to it's

lifeless domain.

I just wanna escape

from where i don't

feel safe;

-Midnight poet

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And yeah I forgot to tell you pray for me, I'm in a huge trouble guys 😭

Pleas pray for my soul to rest in hell peacefully, cuz devil's don't leave in heaven 😈😈😈

Dont forget to tell me your opinion!!!
I really need it today 😉

Your poet don't fell good today 😞

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