Chapter 17: Judas (18+)🔞🍆

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By the end of November Irene was aware of the full plan that Miranda had for the Winters family. It was pretty clear this was a ploy to get back at them for what happened in the states. Something connected Mia Winters with Miranda and Irene was determined to find out why. As much as she didn't want to be involved on this little plan of Miranda's, Irene had no choice at this point. Another couple weeks passed and it was December already, the new year closing in on Irene as fast as it could. The snow covered the ground now in heavy piles, even on the rooftops of houses in the village. Irene walked through with her hood covering her red hair and face, as to not be seen by anyone when she passed through. She had bundled up more than usual since it was colder outside now. Passing the chapel where she and Miranda first met, Irene heard a familiar voice call out to her playfully. "So Miranda finally lets you go out on your own, Pomeranian? It seems you're not as much of a lap bitch as I thought."

Fuck...was all Irene could think to herself as she rolled her eyes and turned toward the chapel to see Karl leaning against the porch post. She didn't expect to see him out on her patrols and especially not alone. "Karl I thought we were past this bickering...? What is your problem with me?"

"Nothing, my puppy. Just being funny is all because it seems like every other time you're out is when Miranda wants you to get us or be with her. It's just a surprise to see you alone." She made her way toward Karl as he spoke and stopped in front of him, a couple inches between the two. Irene tried to keep her distance, but he pulled her in by the waist and held her close. "You don't have to stand so far away and I don't bite much."

"Gods what has gotten into you the past few days?" Irene's nose scrunched up at the way Karl had one hand on her waist but the other was grabbing at her rear. "Nothing has gotten into me, puppy. I'm just trying to get into you.~" His grip tightened on her rear, lifting Irene's dress up a little above her knees. She scoffed and pushed away gently, showing she didn't mean any offense to Karl. "Are you sure you want to do this in front of everyone to watch? I didn't know you were so into voyeurism."

"I'm not. I'm just ruffling someone's feathers because it seems we have someone watching." He nodded discreetly to where Irene could see Miranda hiding away, keeping her ever watchful eye on the girl. Irene scoffed quietly and nodded for Karl to follow her inside the chapel, where they could talk privately. "She seems to always be up your ass and besides I'd rather have you in private quarters instead of out in the open. I don't want anyone knowing my business either."

"Good to know you're a man of respect." She walked him through the chapel and into the back bedroom. It was still dimly lit with candles, not to mention the bed had been a bit messy from a couple nights fun with Miranda. "So were you really wanting to get under my dress or did you have something to talk with me about? Normally I'm supposed to be back immediately after making my rounds but she can wait since she's following me."

"A few things to chat about. Things that you've hidden from not only Miranda and everyone else but me as well. About your miscarriage? Why didn't you say something to me? We could have avoided this whole thing all together."

Irene sighed and leaned against the wall, watching him walk around the room as she stayed there. "Honestly the reason I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't ready to for one. And two it's honestly no one's business what goes on with my body. It was very hard to process it at the time and I just...didn't want to risk that information when we first met. A lot of people tend to push me away when they hear about my miscarriage. Mostly it's because they want kids and I can't reproduce. So it disappoints them..."

Karl leaned on the wall next to her, shaking his head in disbelief. "I had a feeling you weren't telling the entire truth when I saw you back in Spokane. I just don't push people on their business but it also makes me upset that you can't trust me with the truth." Irene turned to him frustrated and hit the wall, leaving a dent in it enough to show her physical strength. "It didn't just have to deal with trust, Karl! It was...just something I don't want to burden people with, you especially! I do trust you...I entirely do...I just don't know how to say it..."

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