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Dakota Smith

6:25 am - March 12th 2024



Unfortunately, management has made the executive decision to let you go. It has been a pleasure having you work with our team, but due to many issues, your hard work is no longer needed. Below you'll be able to find what day and time you're able to pick up your last paycheck and any idle items you may have left at the store.

Best of luck,

D. Smith

Dakota proof read the email once more before hitting send and removing her laptop from her lap. Her eyes burned with restlessness, being that she hadn't slept in 24 hours. Her heart felt like it weighed a ton and was slowly getting heavier by the second. "You acting like you got something to be worried about when it comes to me, but you fuck niggas on the first night!" Those words pained Dakota every time she reflected on Nas spitting them at her.

The stake that went through her heart was even more intense, knowing that she asked Nas if he looked at her any different for sleeping with him and he assured her that he didn't. Little did Dakota know, he was holding it in his back pocket to use as fire.

Dakota's lip quivered as she belted into tears once more. Her shoulders slightly moved up and down while her emotions released through her tears. Whoever said words didn't hurt lied, because they were currently paining Dakota deeply. No matter the circumstance, she'd never throw anything like that in Nas' face. She embraced his flaws and reminded him that they didn't make him, only for him to hit below the belt with her.

It's not that Dakota was ashamed of being intimate with Nas when she first met him, she just wasn't prepared for her actions to be weaponized against her by someone she loved deeply. Dakota couldn't even see herself venting to anyone about this, due to how embarrassing it was. Just a few weeks ago, she was bragging about fucking on the first night working in her favor, only for it to end up being the demise of her relationship.

Dakota finally got up from the couch and migrated into her room, slipping into her bed. Her countless hours of weeping had her eyes slowly but surly getting heavy. Dakota slipped her hand under the pillow before laying down, only to feel a sudden pressure against her finger. She pulled her finger in front of her face to see the ring Nas got her. Dakota's eyes watered as she studied the ring while contemplating her next move.

Without a second thought, Dakota tossed her comforter off of her body and walked out to her patio. She pulled the ring off of her ring finger and tossed it over the balcony. It could only be followed with her eyes for a few seconds until it plummeted down the bottom 8 floors of Dakota's building. She paused for a second before turning on her heels and walking back into her room, sure to close the double doors behind her.

Upon walking back to her bed, Dakota was faced with a call from Paris. She sniffled one good last time before clearing her throat and pressing the lime green button to answer the FaceTime call. "Where you at?" Dakota quizzed once she noticed the unfamiliar background. She slid back into the bed, propping her phone up against a couple pillows.

"The airport—Chanson flying me out to see him in Miami." Paris answered, causing Dakota to smile. She was genuinely happy for her friend. "He live in Miami?" Dakota wondered, Paris shook her head yes.

"Ho, you must really like him...he got you using all yo' sick days and you don't play bout them sick days." Dakota joked, causing them both to laugh. "Yeah...I'm telling you, girl. He's really nice—and he has a good personality. He's so well versed on so many topics." Paris explained, making Dakota smile again.

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