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Nasiem Fareed

8:27am - August 23rd 2022

Although it was a fact that direct sunlight could harm your eyes, Nasiem's eyes didn't bulge as he looked directly into the small ceiling window that was the source of light for both himself and his roommate. He was in such deep thought, that nothing else mattered at the moment. Nas' stomach rumbled, but not because he skipped out on chow this morning, but because this was one of his last few moments as an incarcerated man. After serving 5 years, he'd finally be out on parole.

His biggest concern was adapting to life as a free adult, before he was locked up he only experienced that for about 10 months while in college. Nas was being thrown into the real world with literally nothing but himself. The thought of this kept him up many of nights, wondering what he was gonna do and how life would treat him this time around.

Nas went from a good kid, making decent grades, and the star of the football team at his university, to a convict. The definition of life coming at you fast without caring about you being ready. Not only did life come at him fast, but it also hit him hard with harsh realities. Realities that he was left to ponder over while sitting in his jail cell.

"Fareed! Grab your shit, you're going home." The correctional officer's voice called out, causing Nas' eyes to dart in the direction of the opened door. Oddly, his body didn't move even though his mind continuously screamed at him to get up. "Fareed! You trynna stay in this piece of shit or what?" The correctional officer sternly spoke.

"I'm coming nigga, damn." Nasiem spoke as his body finally allowed him to get up, he hopped off the top bunk and looked around the room. There wasn't anything in these 4 corners worth hauling with him to his new life. Without second thought, he approached the CO, ready to follow behind him. His cell mate wasn't in the room, eliminating the chance for Nas to tell him goodbye.

"You not grabbing nothing?" He questioned, Nasiem snarled, "You wanted me to come on, right?" He questioned back. With that being said, the two walked out of the cell and down the hall. Giving Nas memories of his first day in, feeling like he didn't belong here, rubbing shoulders with real criminals—People who did egregious shit fun. The worry that followed him on his way in, followed him on his way out. The fear of not adapting.

Before Nas knew it, he was touching ground as a free man. He looked around in disbelief, growing emotional in the process. Seeing the sky without the barrier of a dirty window, hearing birds chirp in the flesh without wondering if he was imagining them or not, were all experiences that he didn't realize were vital for the human wellbeing until he was deprived of them. To have both as soon as he stepped out of the prison walls were a blessing to him.

Nas scratched his head as he conjured up his next move. Unfortunately, he didn't have anybody to come get him. His family cut all ties with him and so did everybody else. All five years he was locked up, he probably received about only 2 letters, which were both from Wham. None of his coaches, teammates or classmates checked on him. Nas' mother stood on her decision to resent him, also making his siblings follow through with that as well. Nas often thought about his little sister, hoping that she didn't view him as a monster or believed any of the malicious things their mother told her.

Since Nas didn't have anybody to get him from the facility, his only option was to hop on the bus for ex inmates in his position, the bus would then take him back to Dallas, which was exactly where he planned on going.

"The next bus ain't coming for another hour baby, you might as well get comfortable." The female guard announced as she slipped her hands into her pocket. Nas nodded his head before taking a deep breath and walking over to the vacant bench, awaiting the bus.

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