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zayn: god i am such an idiot

louis: not as much as me i bet

zayn added niall in the conversation

niall: this is gonna be good

niall: how was your night boys?

louis: stuff it leprechaun

louis: my head hurts less now

louis: i cant face liam anymore shit

zayn: hearing about what you texted him made me feel a tad better ha

louis: well what are friends for eh zaynie

niall: i thought we talked about this lads?

niall: ya both shouldn't touch your cellphones when drunk

zayn: i wasn't even drunk

niall: and that makes it even funnier

niall: are you boyfriends with the horny kid now? hahahah this is priceless

zayn: niall i swear

zayn: i sexted him, gave him false hope like i said. not cause i wanted to

niall: uh huh. i'm listenin

louis: little white lies

zayn: and now i'm going just cut it all off, block the bastard's number

zayn: it was fun to mess with him now that i think about it

zayn: and i also know that i'm a stranger to him as well

zayn: oh god

zayn: what is wrong with me?

niall: i'm sorry but i'm dyin

niall: oh god this is classic

niall: never thought i'd see the day zaynie is flustered and obsessed over a guy he doesnt even know

louis: aww! isn't that cute niall?

niall: very cute louis

louis: what did you say his name was zayn? harry right?

niall: aww zayn and harry. how cuteee

zayn: you fučkers done?

louis: this is so amusing. i dont even get how your mind works zee

louis: its ok if you wanna sext the guy back just admit it

zayn: you guys are supposed to he supportive

louis: so thats a yes?

niall: aye i believe it is lewis

zayn: no i dont want to sext him and it was an idiotic move because now he isn't leaving me alone

zayn: kinda backfired i guess? i think i was drunk afterall

niall: dont say i didnt warn ya

louis: no harm done zee. you had fun huh? hahaha !!

louis: i'm serious tho. you seem a bit less bitchy these days even if you say you feel the opposite

zayn: wow okay

niall: what about ya louis? wont talk to liam anymore?

niall: come lovely children. tell mr. niall everything thats troubling you

louis: that was kinda creepy niall

louis: but i basically told liam that his niceness and liam-ness is attracting me and sometimes i feel like i want more and then slap myself

louis: liam just brushed it off but oh god i am so mortified i'm not even getting out my apartment

louis: what if i run into him in the lobby or something?!

zayn: hey chill bro. like i said on the phone, you guys are adults. just say you were drunk and yeah you admire liam but continue your agreement. the guy's nice, let him be and as for your feelings..

niall: such a lovely support group, i'm clapping!

zayn: hahah you're right ni

louis: we are so awesome!

louis: ok yeah i guess you're right bro

louis: i'm gonna go out

louis: i'm gonna do it

niall: go lou go lou go lou

zayn: well you have work in a few hours so ha

louis: yeah we'll continue the harry talk then. never took you as the type to sext a stranger, zayn malik

louis: i'm still in awe

zayn: and i'm still an idiot

niall: ikr? our zayn is changing! its a miracle!

louis: yep he's as dumb as before but something is defo changing

zayn: *definitely. would it kill you to write properly?

louis: gtfo english nerd grammar nazi

zayn: bitch

louis: jerk

zayn: slut

louis: garden tool

zayn: the heck?

niall: *stage whispers* that would be a hoe

louis: yes, that!

louis: see you at work !!

zayn: oh joy, look forward to it

zayn: weirdos

niall: says the guy sexting back 13 year olds for fun and for teaching them a lesson like uh huh bruh i see u

zayn: rich coming from a guy who's only girlfriend is his hand

niall: where's the insult in that?

louis: haha nialler is tough!

louis: we're decking malik today! up top horan!

niall: up top tommo!

louis: well i gotta go lads, loved the support group session and burying zayn. see you soon bitch x

niall: can i swing by the parlor later?

zayn: no

niall: whyyy

zayn: i dont like you

niall: why you gotta be so mean?


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This was my fave chapter so far xD

Thank you for the feedback so far! xx

Ramadan mubarak ❤

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