22. Absolute Silence

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"What the fuck Avneet?" Siddharth yells at me.

He never yells. He never loses his calm with me. I messed up big time.

"What were you thinking?" He says, his voice raising a notch with every syllable uttered.

That's the thing, I wasn't. I was so drunk that I had no control over my senses.

"Do you know how many times I said storm?" He said, softly this time.

His safe word. 

My lips wobble but I will myself not to cry and listen to the verbal bashing. I deserve it.

How could I have been so careless to perform a play with such a lack of coordination? What if I hurt him? I'm not even sure that I didn't. Maybe I did injure him but I don't remember it due to the fog clouding my mind.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," I whisper.

He doesn't grace me with a reply and storms out. I follow him close behind, not sure of what to say. I want to ask if I hurt him somewhere. If he feels any more pains than normal. I don't know what to do. Should I call a doctor? Yes, I should.

We reach our bedroom. I open my mouth to ask him if he needs a doctor, just in case, when he whirls and shuts the door in my face. My breath hitches in my throat.

He doesn't lock it. He never does. He's too much of a green flag to ever keep me out of my own bedroom no matter how mad he is. The knowledge that I deserve this and so much more isn't helping either.

I sink to the carpet right outside the room. It's still cold. I rub my arms and reach for my phone that is lying next to the sofa and give Dr. Shane a quick call,  explaining our situation.

An hour later, I receive a call from security downstairs that he was there. I told them to escort him to a room on the 3rd floor.

Now, I have to tell Siddharth. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. My heart pounds wildly in my chest. No reply comes. I knock again. This time Siddharth opens it. He has washed himself but it does nothing to make his swollen eyes look any better.

I almost break down there and then at the sight of him. However, his stern face suggests he wouldn't throw a fleeting glance in my direction.

"Dr. Shane is here," I tell him.

He stares at me blankly. I know I won't receive a reply so I walk ahead and he quietly follows suit. We descend the elevator. Dr. Shane is resting on a chair with a steaming cup of tea in his hand.

"How are you two?" He asks both of us.

We give him small smiles and answer pointedly.

The lines on his face crease in a smile and he lets out a low chuckle.

"Doctors can't start a conversation with this sentence, ah," he shakes his head.

"I heard you tried sounding. Let's see how your little one is doing, or should I say big one?"

I internally will him to shut up and do his work. I want to change our doctor but he is the best in the field and has a lot of experience too.

"Pull down your pants please," He tells Siddharth.

Siddharth directs a stare in my direction. My throat clogs and I stride out of the door.

My husband doesn't want me to see him naked anymore.

A few dreadful minutes pass. Finally, Dr. Shane comes out.

"Everything's fine, i.e., nothing's wrong out of the ordinary. He will have trouble relieving himself for a few days but that's to be expected after sounding. That's it."

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