15. I Hate Periods

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My periods started an hour ago. I have had light cramps since morning. But now, it's like someone is squeezing all my organs from inside and tearing them apart one by one. My mood keeps swinging from bad to good then back to bad at lightning speed.

And my cravings are the worst. With the number of upcoming events, I can't afford to put on weight right now. I have to stay in shape but this constant urge to munch on snacks and sweets is driving me insane.


With half a heart, I go through the document in front of me. But when I find myself re-reading a line for the third time without grasping its meaning, I shut the laptop. Placing my elbow on the table, I rest my head against my palm.

Pictures of freshly baked cookies infiltrated my mind, followed by a wisp of how soft creamy cake would feel melting on my tongue right now.

I shake my head and mentally slap myself. I review the floor plan of an auditorium pinned on the red board in my office. Turns out that looking at floor plans in a grumpy mood is a rather bad idea. I call a meeting with the team working on the project and give them a mouthful.

"Bring me coffee," I tell Cara, my secretary.

"Yes, ma'am," she replies and I place the receiver of the phone back to where it belongs.

After a few minutes, there's a subtle knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Your coffee ma'am."

"Keep it on the table."

"Yes ma'am."

She follows the command and leaves.

Another agonizing cramp hits and I shriek in pain.

I massage my temple and pick up my phone. I contemplate calling him. He must be working. I know he'll cancel everything if I told him that I'm not well.

But should I? These are just periods. All women get it every month. It's no big deal.


I gently blow the hot liquid and twirl it in the cup. I take a sip and immediately choke.

"CARA," I yell in such a high-pitched voice that I'm certain she heard it even through the closed doors.

Sure enough, the door bursts open and Cara comes rushing in.

"What is this?" I snap. "Don't you know how much sugar I take in my coffee?"

"I added 2 spoons, ma'am," she tries to calm me down.

"Get out! Get out of my sight this instant," I roar.

"What did this poor girl do to become a victim of your crabby mood?" A voice comes from the door.

I look up and the last person I expected to see right now stood there. Dressed in a navy blue shirt and blue denim, he looks like a Greek God. The Rolex shines on his wrist. His hair which was tucked neatly this morning are dishevelled now. His eyes are fixed on me and he has a smirk on his beautiful face.

I spring to my feet. I don't care about my secretary who's still in the room. And I certainly don't give a fuck about the employees who might be standing outside, trying to know the cause of the commotion.


All I see right now is this man who I did not even call. Yet, he somehow realised that I needed him so he showed up here.

I run towards him with my arms outstretched. Spreading his arms he meets me mid-way. I bury my face in his chest and inhale his scent.

He smells so much of himself, so much of home.

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