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it's been 3 years you work on PSH COMPANY . You hate your boss cuz he is so jerk but he's hot . It's getting more worst when you got promoted as his secretary last year . His last secretary got fired bcuz she got caught try to steal company's money in office at night . Since he's lazy to search new secretary, he just told you that you're gonna be his secretary.

As i said he's jerk , everyday will makes me feel like im in hell . Sometimes we argue about small things . Even the staff used to hear both of us argue . Sometimes i got scared too because he is man tho but i can't deal with his attitude . They salute me cuz only me can get mad to him . I know he would never fired you cuz your works is good and no one can beat your work .

One day , you came late for the first time cuz you're sick . you can't take an MC because today is the day that both of us will meet our rich clients . you open your office door then some thick books got throwed to your head . "DON'T YOU SEE WHAT TIME IS IT ?!!" he shouted at you . You pick up the book at the floor while touch your head since it's hurt af .

"THERE IS SO MANY DAYS AND WHY TODAY YOU MUST BE LATE !!!" he pull your shirt and grabbed your collars. "i'm sorry" you said in low tones. You get ready to got shouted again but instead of getting shouted again he touch your head . "Y/n , b-blood !" he shocked seeing your head full of blood cuz of the thick books that he throwed to you .

"it's okay , we should go now . they might wait for us" you said while trying to get off from his grabbed . "No , let's go to the hospital" he know that you might refused it instead of pulling you he carried you in bridal style . You don't have energy to stop him so you just let him do what he want . Everyone shocked when they see him carried you to the parking lot . that's the last thing you see and everything went black .

"Who is y/n family members ? pleasecome in" . Seonghwa standup and come to doctor office to know about your condition "What's wrong with her ? I don't think the wound  will make her passed out , there's might be another reason , right ?" he said . "For the wound that's not effects to any of her health issues. Actually she has anemia and her low blood is came back because she doesn't eat the medicine. It's more worst when she get stressed and anxiety . She need to rest for maybe 1 weeks and don't worry it's not a big issues. Make sure she eat the medicine and not getting stress again . She can go home now . 203 , that's her room . you can take her back home" . the doctor said . "THANK YOU DOCTOR" seonghwa said while bowing to the doctor and rushed to your room .

He open the door and see you eating some porridge from the nurse . "SIR- I promise i will pay for everything , I'm sorry" you said while looking down . "It's okay , No need to pay . I'm your boss and that's my responsibility to take care of my staff" he said while patting your head and sit next to you . You're blushing so hard and keep covering your faces with your long hair . And makes you more shocked is , he hugged you from the sides and tuck your hair behind your ear "you know why i'm always annoyed you ? it's actually i had a crush on you since we were in the middle school . i think you might not remembered me , I am Park SeongHwa the fat nerds that your friend's bullied when we still in the middle school. i had a crush on you since then cuz you never bullied me , you just watch me . After knowing that you work in my company , i want to choose you to be my secretary but i can't until that stupid old womans got caught trying to get my money . I fired her and decided to take you to be my secretary. I'm always annoyed you cuz everytime you're getting mad , you looks so cute . but idk what's wrong with me today , i can't control my anger till i throwed the thick books to your head . i'm sorry" he said and still hugging you .

You stopped eating and feeze because there's so much thing happened. You continue eating but still in silenced . He kiss your cheeks and once again you shocked .

________[BONUS : PARKSEONGHWA]_______

ONESHOT ; JUNG WOOYOUNGWhere stories live. Discover now