Chapter 20

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(The Next Morning)

The cloakless Ruby slowly wakes up and discovers she's able to see her breath in the air. She struggles to keep her eyes open and pulls herself out from between Weiss and Blake. She stumbles before making it to the couch and realize that the fire is out. Poking Weiss with her foot, Ruby speaks weakly from her sleep.

Ruby: "Weiss... you need to relight the fire." 

In response, the sleeping Weiss crawls into the blankets, not budging as Blake mumbles. 

Blake: "It's too cooold."

Irritated, but yields, Ruby let out a brief sigh and stands, using her damaged Crescent Rose as a crappy crutch to hobble over to the fireplace. This is when Y/N steadily wakes up from his sleep, leaning away from Neo and Yang before letting out a yawn and stretching his arms. Once he did that, he spots Ruby crouching down in front of the fireplace with her weapon beside her and seeing her putting in wood and paper inside it. 

Y/N #1: "Morning, Rubes."

Ruby spare him a good glance before going back to placing wood and paper in the fireplace. 

Ruby: "Morning. Did you sleep well?"

Y/N #1: "Yep. I feel fully energized now."

Ruby: "Good to hear."

After finishing with that, Ruby pat herself down and realize she doesn't have a lighter. 

Ruby: "Great..."

As Y/N slowly get out of his spot and approach his team leader, Ruby looks around the living room to Roman, who is out cold, then to Weiss's rapier near the sleeping Weiss before shaking her head.

Y/N #1: "Need something to light it up?"

Ruby: "Mm-hm. You got anything for it?"

Y/N #1: "No, but we can always ask Qrow."

She then nods to his suggestion and begins to call out to her uncle.

Ruby: "Sure... Qrow..."

She's met with dead silence, except for the creaking of the house. Y/N goes to call out to his mentor instead.

Y/N #1: "Hey, Qrow..."

Again, no response. Ruby and Y/N share a quick look before Ruby calls out Qrow's name more loudly and more panicked.

Ruby: "U-Uncle Qrow...!"

They get no answer back once more. With anxiety plastered on their faces, Ruby begins to walk awkwardly her way out of the living room, wincing in pain a bit. Y/N, seeing this, goes to put her arm around his shoulder to support her. 

Ruby: "Thanks."

Y/N #1: "No problem, Rubes."

They make their way to the window where Qrow has set up his watch. They find him motionless as they rush to his side. 

Ruby: "Check on him."

Y/N #1: "Right."

Y/N quickly marches over to the motionless Qrow as Ruby use her damaged Cresent Rose as a crutch once more. Y/N check his pulse for a moment before turning to Ruby.

Y/N #1: "He's okay. Just passed out."

Upon hearing this, Ruby exhales with relief, but that relief turns to frustration when she sees an empty bottle of liquor on the floor and one hanging limply from his other hand. Face twisting in anger, Ruby, trembling, grabs the bottle from his hand and throws it into the wall, much to Y/N's surprise.

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