Chapter 37

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(Several Minutes Ago)

Roman and Neo are strolling through the city in the dead of evening. They are in the middle of a conversation with Roman doing most of the talking.

Roman: "Alright, Neo. You remember where they were staying at?"

In response, Neo casually nods her head. 

Roman: "Okay then. First thing in the morning, we wake up, head to the shopping district, and get our-"

However, he's interrupted upon spotting someone he wasn't expecting to see so soon and in this time of the day.

Roman: "Y/N...?"

Neo: "...!"

Almost immediately, Neo follow to where Roman is staring at and also spot Y/N as well. Not too far from them is the other Y/N, speeding walking on the other side of the street the criminal duo are in. Before Roman can call out to him, he finds this Y/N acting "odd" and seeing the bandages on his hands and arms along with catching glances of his crimson eyes and his face scrunches up with panic, grief, and frustration. The crime boss couldn't help but feel worried to some extent at the state Y/N is in, especially with his eyes. 

Roman: ("What's up with him?")

The crime boss then turns to Neo, who just stare after Y/N with visible concern. 

Roman: "Let's follow after him."

The mute girl turns her head to look at Roman before nodding in agreement to his suggestion. Not a second later, the criminal duo stealthily follows Y/N to see what's up with him. As this Y/N walk away from them and unaware of their presence, he swiftly heads to a nearby alleyway. Seeing this, the criminal duo quickens their pace to where they saw Y/N went only to somehow lose him in one of the numerous alleyways. The crime boss let out a short groan.

Roman: "Damn it. We lost him? How did we lose him?"

The worried Neo is busy looking around for any sign of Y/N, but no luck. With a sigh, Roman turns to Neo. 

Roman: "Neo, let's split up. I search the ground. You go up on the rooftops."

Once again, Neo nod to him as she disappears behind an illusion, vanishing in a flash. With Ozpin's cane in hand, Roman then walk forward, entering the alley and search around the area. 

Roman: ("Can't believe I'm chasing after Y/N this time. Heh, kind of 'poetic'... or something along those lines.")

The crime boss powerwalks through the many alleyways interlocking with one another, searching for any sign of Y/N. He search and search but, finds nothing so far. 

Roman: ("Come on... where is he? He couldn't have just disappear like that.")

 After minutes of searching and powerwalking, Roman goes around the corner of an alley and comes across Y/N in the middle of it. 

Roman: "Finally-"

Once more, the crime boss's words die in his mouth upon further inspection of Y/N. Roman come across Y/N, with his arms that of a Grimm for only a few quick seconds until they revert back into human arms. 

Roman: "...!?"

The crime boss has to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things or if this was some trick of the light or lack thereof since it was rather dark in the alley. 

Roman: ("W-What the hell...?")

This is when Y/N turn his head to be greeted by Roman not too far from him as his eyes widen. 

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