Chapter 9

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The staredown with Adam continues as Y/N addresses to his teammates/girlfriends, not sparing them a glance as he reaches for his concealed pistols, Crimson and Violet. 

Y/N #1: "Girls... get our weapons... now!"

With that said, Qrow reflexively shoves Ruby and Weiss back through the train car door, yelling to them.  

Qrow: "Just run!" 

He then follows this up with shooting the gun part of Harbinger as Y/N charges after Adam with his pistols morphing into small swords. Adam deflect Qrow's bullets with his katana before locking blades with Y/N. 

Y/N #1: "You just don't know when to give up."

The two begin to trade blow after blow as Qrow cuts in to help Y/N out. Seeing this unfold, Cardin similarly shoves Blake into the cabin and closing the door in front of them.

Cardin: "Russel, get her to safety!"

Blake and Russel barely share a glance before the two pop out the cabin's window and worm their way up onto the roof of the train. As they do that, Cardin press an intruder alarm on his scroll before rushing in to join Y/N and Qrow in fighting Adam. As Qrow and Y/N block Adam's shotgun shots from Blush, Cardin charges in with his mace raised. Seeing this, Adam blocks his attack before kicking him away. This gives Y/N the chance to lock blades with him once more, except Y/N has pin Adam against the wall. Adam manages to push him off, making him slam against one of the train's windows, shattering it. Qrow goes to attack him with Harbinger and the recovering Cardin charges after Adam once more. Adam goes to block and parry their barrage of attacks as Y/N quickly recovers and ready his next attack.

Adam: "Tch...!"

During this, Roman, Neo, and the old woman are locked in a heated card game when the alarm begins to ring, bringing everything to screeching halt inside of the game lounge. Roman was about to respond to this. 

Roman: "The hell-?"

Only for the glass ceiling of the lounge to shattered, and landing among the glass shards is a roaring Manticore. With its scorpion tail raised to strike, it takes only a second for panic to set in, resulting the civilians in the car to flee from the lounge. Roman and Neo managed to dodge out of the way as the Grimm's tail slams between them. But Roman is blindsided when the Grimm swings with its horns. He and a table are caught and thrown into a wall, trapping him behind it. 

On the gangway where Qrow shoved Ruby and Weiss, the two are heatedly debating about what to do. 

Ruby: "We gotta find Yang."

Weiss counters her remark.

Weiss: "We don't know where she is."

Ruby then suggests.

Ruby: "We regroup with the rest of RNJR."

Again, Weiss shoots that down.

Weiss: "They're at the other end of the train!"

Frustrated, Ruby lightly claws her fingers on her face.

Ruby: "We can't just leave them to fight Adam alone!"

Equally stressed, Weiss retorts back.

Weiss: "We don't have our weapons!" 

This cause Ruby to pause for a bit before she thought of a plan, declaring.

Ruby: "Then, we'll have to get them! Just like Y/N said."

Blake: "That'll be easier to do from up here!"

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