Chapter 3: Feelings

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Author's Notes: Filler chapter :)


Again and again. Hanni loses to Minji.

Huffing harshly, she aggressively removes her goggles while the girl next to her laughs. Her body aches as she makes the move to get out of the pool.

She doesn't understand it. She was so close.

Wonyoung hands her a towel, ready to face the wrath of her frustrated captain. But the brunette simply grabs the towel, walking away to her stuff while wiping her face.

"You're getting better everytime we go up against each other, I won't lie." Minji reminds her as she removes her cap, her black hair flowing down her back.

The brunette rolls her eyes, ignoring the girl. "Whatever." She mumbles.

Her arms are already sore from the constant push she's exerted during their rounds. Like always, her main destination always remains being her lovely bed.

Hanni walks over to Wonyoung, nudging her. "Why are still here? Don't you have school work to catch up on from last week?" She pulls the girl into an arm lock, tickling her.

Wonyoung struggles to get herself out of the shorter's grip, giggling hysterically. "I finished! I finished!" She screams, the brunette releasing her.

Hanni breathes throughout her nose, exaggerating. "You better be because Coach Park would kill me if she found out you were here without finishing your work." She continues wiping herself before setting down the towel to slip on her sweats and light orange tank top.

Her eyes eventually shift over to the raven, who's come out from the bathroom, switched to her life guarding bright bikini while Wonyoung and Hanni were talking.

They were lucky to even grab a session with the amount of people swimming in the pools on a holiday. Holidays meant nobody had classes or work so anybody could be in the pools to simply enjoy their day off.

Being captains of the swim team didn't exactly call for lifeguarding duties but both girls enjoyed it along with others who'd volunteered from the swim team.

Wonyoung swipes her hand in front of the brunette's face. "Hey, hey, no ogling at the life guards." Wonyoung chastises.

Hanni clears her throat, facing Wonyoung. "I'm doing no such thing." She responds, eyeing the up upcoming lifeguard behind Wonyoung approaching them.

An Yujin. A drop dead gorgeous girl. She isn't on the swim team but is a certified lifeguard anyways.

The girl smiles at Hanni. "Hey." She smoothly greets.

Wonyoung in front of her goes silent, moving beside Hanni and turning around. Obviously, she wants to watch how this plays out. She's recognized the look of want in Yujin's eyes already.

Hanni smiles back, simply because it's the politest thing to do, of course. "Hey, Yujin. On duty today?"

Yujin runs her fingers through her long brown locks. "Yeah, along with Minji!" She juts out a finger behind her.

Wonyoung and Hanni both nod. Past Yujin, the brunette notices the sharp eyes that shoot daggers at the Yujin's back from Minji.


The brunette walks closer a bit, rubbing Yujin's arm up and down. "How was your day? Wasn't stressful, right?" Hanni's voice is sultry, her warm charming smile in place.

Yujin hums, shrugging. "Normal, I was able to finish my school work at early so I had lots of time." She responds, Hanni taking in her words carefully.

Behind her, Wonyoung pinches her other elbow.

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